Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
© rights to the owner

Saturday, December 22, 2012

12. Sesshoumaru & Mitsuo - Poison Arrow

- You are very mistaken thinking that I will obey you Sesshomaru to save the lives of two human beings, even though I have a bond with them. So if you want to break the arrow, go ahead, it can break.
- Do not forget that just said, Sesshoumaru, do not regret later.

  Realizing the serenity in the face of youkai, Harumi dared not from the arrow, however, would not admit the fear of taking their lives. Even Kiara because life was important to him that the race stayed above the youkai. But Sesshomaru was so calm, so peaceful and so serene that he had no desire to take the lives of two girls.
- What happened? Decided not to break the arrow? For anyone who is called the king of the vampires I thought you would have a strong hand in the decisions, but from what I'm seeing you're just a coward.
- Immediately remove that said, youkai damn!
- If you break the arrow at this point I take back what I just said and give me a loser.

 Not all was lost for Harumi, because it could kill the prince of youkai. When would break the object, something strikes back: it was again one of the arrows Mitsuo.
- Mom is safe, do not worry, Dad, Akihiro is taking care of her in the castle.
- Damn hanyou ... By having a human half I did not realize that you have inherited from your father so much power. But it will take more than sacred arrows to defeat me.
- Stay here, Mitsuo, I want to have a little fun with this guy ...

 Leveraging that Harumi no longer had the arrow in hand to threaten Sesshoumaru, he cut the skin of the vampire like a common piece of meat, but he could regenerate some injuries, making the uphill battle. Even with the help of Mitsuo, they could not win.
 But the youkai had the idea to unite the poison of the arrow Mitsuo him because he realized that much of it as the poison arrows caused irreversible damage to him. Prevented the attack from his daughter, who had just one more arrow and deposited much of his venom on the object.
- Mitsuo, shoot!

  She nodded and took the moment vampire distraction to launch the arrow, which pierced the heart of Harumi and Sesshoumaru spread the poison in his body, causing him to slowly disintegrate.
- Damn! But I still have a trick, it's not over yet! You will be sorry they crossed my path!

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