Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
© rights to the owner

Saturday, December 15, 2012

06. Sesshoumaru Return

Within seconds, Sesshoumaru had come to the temple. Marie, seeing the youkai alive, ran to him and told him what was happening. The prince was infuriated by the inability of the soul blue, but realized that the state already Kiara was serious and rushed to stop the madness. He crossed the wind barrier and grabbed the girl's wrists so that they cicatrizassem.
- Sesshoumaru ... You are alive and I died too?
- Stop being silly, I'm alive thanks to you

  The girl was beside himself with happiness and hugged the boy, whose wounds were still open. The youkai kindly returned the hug and whispered in her ear:
- I love you, my princess, if not for your sacrifice, I would not be alive now, thank you, my beloved.
- I'll do anything for you baby, even for that I have to die.

  Sesshoumaru looked up Kiara and gave him a kiss sweet and affectionate. With that, both winds invaded the temple and turned the garments of youkai in a blue kimono and his wounds were healed, the girl's clothes turned another red kimono, but even more beautiful than the other.
- Let's go home, my princess.
- Yes, dear, let's go.

  And both returned to the palace, one happier than the other children and partying at Sesshoumaru return home. Soon, the union strengthened the guardians of the North and South winds generated others: Northwest, Southwest, Northeast and Southeast.

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