Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
© rights to the owner

Thursday, December 20, 2012

08. A youkai in a vampire´s domain

 Sesshoumaru reached the palace a few minutes after following the scent of the vampire. The doors were open, looked like they were waiting for his arrival. For a moment, the thought of non youkai enter, but smelled the wife and went frantically, looking for the girl when he was attacked by bats, by a whisker not sucked the blood of the boy.
 There was the sound of applause and the sound of footsteps. The prince of youkai approached by shadow silently, knowing that a vampire's senses were sharpened bit. Tokijin drew his sword and prepared to deliver the coup.
- You changed your fighting style, Sesshoumaru? From what I have always followed you attack from the front, but I almost got hit from behind ... You are getting treacherous, but more intelligent and I admire that.
- Stop talking and just tell me where is Kiara, or I'll cut you to pieces.
- You are very brave for a youkai standing in a field of a vampire. She's right, you can leave.
- How so? Tell me where she is now!
- Calm down, dear visitor. No matter where she is, you can not take it away. It belongs to me now. Spiritual power it will encourage all vampires and we finally win the youkai. She does not remember anything thanks to my poison, but if you want to try to make her remember, feel free ... So what do you say?

 Sesshoumaru in combat stance and thought about it in a battle strategy to defeat him once. On the other hand, feared to risk the life of the girl because he did not know what was up to that vampire. However, the line of thought was interrupted by his vampire.
- You want to see the girl or not?
- I do not negotiate with people who hide their faces under a mask.

 The vampire named Harumi removed the mask and identified himself willingly.
- I see my wife accepted, but on condition that she not be arrested, injured or chained.
- Deal ... Kiara come.

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