Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
© rights to the owner

Sunday, October 6, 2013

† II. тнє ∂ємση αωαкєѕ †

  Oxford, England.

  Luke was sealed several years ago in the cemetery at Oxford , and it displeased Lucifer, who after reviewing the possibilities ,  the boy given a second chance to bring Ravenna Edwards` descending to the underworld .
  To free you of the seal, the ruler of the land of darkness sent a girl with red hair short , dark blue eyes , black clothes and black wings midsize . The girl 's name was Victoria .
  She walked looking for the body of Luke peacefully , stopping to read the inscriptions of the people killed during that time. Then , behind the tomb of Natasha Smith , the boy was chained and almost turning into a statue . Victoria broke the golden and Luke fell to the ground , trying to rescue the lost air from the lungs .
- Take - the girl threw a piece of paper for him - You'll need this .
- And how do you think I'll find it with this useless information ?
- I do not care , but you'd better not fail this time . Lucifer is unhappy with you and Ethan are already a step ahead. Go to the college 's most famous London.

    A few weeks have passed and still failed to Ethan 's sympathy Enma . However , he did not give up so early, since they were partners in history, biology and calculus.
  He was known by the college every few days after arriving . Most girls still fell at his feet as he came down the aisle with Thais Wheatershield and track down your friends in it all day .
  However , everything changed when a boy in black clothes came accompanied with Callie showing you the school , as it always does with the beginners. Ethan felt the hairs on his body stand on end and his body immediately froze back to the beginner , who glanced over it quickly .

   While Callie chattered about school rules , Luke watched all the girls , face to face to know what each one was true that school . He looked at length for each, making them feel breathless. Definitely , some admirers of Ethan changed his mind .
  When they were down the hall , Luke dismissed guidelines Callie and took his material for the next class : chemistry .
  He arrived late and this infuriated the teacher Cindy , a woman with sus 45 who had little tolerance for student misbehavior . She stared at the newcomer up and down and was forced to stop the class to present it to students and indicate his place , it would be sadly beside Ethan .
- Do not think that will do well in this , Collins .
- We will see , Walker .
  Both had a privileged view of all students in the room, however , Enma was not there . So far , Luke had no class in the same room as her .
  The class started slowly as a turtle for them because they were together for a whole hour and being forced to keep his insults and his anger was difficult for both boys .

    At lunch time , Luke was sitting at a table surrounded by girls who made ​​him silly questions and superficial . Decidedly , Luke would never understand what was so important and attractive in humans . They were worse than prórprios demons with his jealousy, hatred , greed, lust , feeling for revenge, greed, avarice and such species does not deserve the protection of angels . He thanked for having been adopted by Lucifer and have come out of this hypocritical world .
  After a while , he saw a girl in violet and gray clothes in the lunch line . Something about her caught his attention and Luke looked more closely. That violet energy around her . Bingo ! It was that girl Enma Roberts . Now the plan was put in motion.
  He followed the girl with eyes to see that she sat alone at a table of all students .
- Ladies, if you'll excuse me , I have business to attend to.
  The girls whined when Luke pulled away and headed for the table Enma . She was focused on a new song he was writing and did not notice his approach .
- Can I sit here ?
  She raised her eyes towards him for a moment and replied gruffly :
- No. Leave me alone .
- You are so gentle with everyone?
- I think I told you to get out of here . If you do not understand , I will repeat : laissez - moi en paix .
- How beautiful ... The girl can speak fluent French by the way . Glad to know I'm not the only one.
  A mischievous smile played on the lips of Luke , who sat next to her , even though she did not want his company and the trick of lust not work as it worked in the other girls .
- What is it ? - Luke took the notebook compositions Enma and began to read .
- Give it back ! There is something called privacy and I like her very much ; whoever it was that paid you to come here , take your money and get out of my way , okay ?
  He imclinou closer to her and said with persuasive voice :
- You think someone sent me up here ? I do not obey the orders of any ordinary human .
  Enma 's eyes widened with the expression he used , but remained firm and resistant to attempts at persuasion that he had up his sleeve . The bell rang , announcing the start of a new school. The girl came out quickly and sharply , but Luke grabbed her wrist .
- I am Luke Walker , was a great pleasure . - He kissed her hand in a courteous manner .
  She scampered down the classroom , hoping to get away from the black -eyed boy , but he cheated bitterly.
 When the devil came late in German class , the teacher indicated the empty chair next to Enma , who rolled her eyes and breathed deeply , trying to recover his composure .
- What a coincidence , do not you think ? - He whispered , while the teacher was turned away .
  Enma did not answer , just posted some notes in the notebook and tried to pretend that Luke was not, as he had with Ethan Collins . However , this was a million times worse than the first and did not know when to stop disturbing .

   When was finishing pack up to go home, Thais and his group of followers Enma corner and begin to ask questions about her involvement with Luke and made threats about the fact she gets near it or breathe the same air as him out of school hours .
 Enma paid no attention and paved the way between them , calmly walking towards the courtyard where his car was parked . This infuriated the leader of the group , who stomped off to her van that was on the other side of the courtyard .
  Luke was sitting watching all of his black Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle with satisfaction . That girl was proving more interesting in this incarnation and he certainly did not lose to Ethan this time . He followed the Toyota it from a safe distance until something catches your eye and make you change the route .

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