Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
© rights to the owner

Monday, September 30, 2013

❅ cнαρтєя 16 ❅

  Lauren ran through some woods aimlessly , following trails that cut isolated the darkest corners of the woods of Dream River Park . The branches of the trees blocking the last rays of the sun , leaving the air cooler, moist and heavy for her lungs . The roots were exposed made ​​her stumble at every step and mossy stones hindered his way . She wanted to return, but could not remember the way.
  She went to the end of the path , which ended at the beginning of a plain that was infinitely cooler than any place she had ever attended before. Every square inch of the place was covered by snow and ice. The trees were stripped of their leaves and carrying a large amount of snow on their branches . There were many people wandering around, only a few men with shabby clothes and dirty with chains attached to the wrists and neck . His hands were calloused by hard work and their faces were with deep cuts that went from the forehead to the chin on the left side of the face of each of them .
  Among the slaves , was a robust man dress stylishly and armed with a sword studded with diamonds, watching every move that plain . Lauren turned and went into hiding for the soldier through the woods quickly , until he realized he was out of his reach .
   The girl walked for a time hidden in the forest , but then saw a palace which sparkled for a little sunshine , made with ice and with gates of gold and silver , guarded by two men . A tall armed with a bow and arrows and another lower with a spear in hand . A fragment of a thought came to her ears by the wind and she knew that this was the impenetrable fortress of Elisabeth .
  Lauren ran a little longer , but returned to hide when he saw Bryan Whinterland through the gates . She felt a lump in my throat to see him because he had helped her and for a moment he seemed to be a good person , an example of a good friend when he saved her from platinum blonde . Thinking that it was all a plan made ​​her feel sick and betrayed at the same time.
 After some time , the girl had an idea. Took a blanket that was lost over there and put it on her head, covering her face and her hair and hid a dagger in the silver strip that was tied at the waist . She picked up a twig sharp and made the same brand that the men had on his face on the left side of her face , so that the guards mistaken for one of the slaves of Elisabeth .
- You must be the new maid . Is delayed .
  The guard with the spear opened the gates for her and Lauren came in, walking with difficulty , because the desire to run frantically took her body with intensity , but it was not yet time to undo the cover , only when Elisabeth was dead and all were free from it and also another heir it, Bryan . The dagger weighed more than she should in her cloak and Lauren could not tell if it was his weakness or his fault for being forced to kill the mother of Dylan Price, the boy she loved .

Sunday, September 29, 2013

❅ cнαρтєя 15 ❅

  Dylan returned that afternoon to pick her up . The girl, who should be happy for the return of the boy , could not hide the impact of sadness that caused her Hailey .
- Let's go home .
- How so ? And Elisabeth ?
  He looked at her with tenderness and compassion and tucked a strand of her hair back.
- As I continue being a vassal of it , nothing bad will happen . It was a mistake to have involved you in this.
- No! You will not stand being tortured ! This is inhumane !
- If it is to keep you safe, then I would die for you .
   Tears began to sting the eyes of Lauren . If Hailey thought she was selfish , imagine what she would think about the conduct of Dylan at the time. Everything was wrong , the boy knew she was not that masochistic and selfish as she was before her.
- Lauren !
  She ran through the forest. Lauren was tired , cold and sleepy , but she could not stand the fact of being under lock and key for everything that happened in the world . Was granted the fact that Dylan did not want anything to happen to her , but after all the training and everything she found , leave it out of the situation would be unforgivable .
  Lauren felt guilty for leaving like that and to have quarreled with him again , but then she was determined to fight and face the fear and nothing could make her change her mind . Moreover , the whole world depended on this act , and if she did not act fast, all would be lost .
  She had to do something , even if it meant going to the reign of Elisabeth and die alone .

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   Dylan followed the trail of the girl until halfway , which was where her footprints disappeared and there was no sign of her energy anywhere. Of course , when discussing her mysteriously disappeared , however , when they were children it was easier to find it .
  He closed his eyes and felt the wind passing through it . There was something different. No, it was Lauren , but a person with power hostile and peaceful at the same time.
- You will not reach it .
- Who's there ? Appear!
  Hailey appeared grimly and with the bow ready , pointed at the boy's chest .
- Die , son of Elisabeth .
  Dylan jumped over the trees and undergrowth gave a master in the water . He froze the forest with his wife and followed soon he could toward the northwest. Dylan did not know if that was the right direction , but time was against him . If it takes to find Lauren , she would surely die in the plains of the kingdom of Elisabeth .

Saturday, September 28, 2013

❅ cнαρтєя 14 ❅

  Lauren was happy with his progress and was ready to face Elisabeth . When she was entering the cabin to get changed , something or someone strikes back with strength and makes losing balance . She turned , but found no one .
  Something was different in the forest . A soft blue light shone through the trees , leaving a trail weak and almost invisible .
  The girl followed the light feeling a chill down his spine , as if alerted a hazard ahead . But she would not stop . She received an exemplary training and nothing could scare her as much as the idea of fighting Elisabeth .
  She walked to reach the banks of a small stream that she did not know existed . The noise of the water running through the gravel was reassuring and she left the clear water run through her ​​fingers that gently tickled the tips of her fingers . Lauren could stay there forever , but let out a little stream of water , wetting her face .
- I do not advise you stay near the water , girl on fire.
- Who are you ?
- My name is Hailey . I am master of the Waters .
  The master was different from the others . Her appearance was not entirely human . She had scales resembling the body color silver , gray hair stuck in a long braid complex and wore a blue silk dress .
- Arianne did not tell me about you ...
- I'm not allied with them . Neither Elisabeth . I intend to keep her for my own reasons and alone , without anyone disturbing my battle .
- But ...
- I know you're the chosen one , but have you looked in the mirror of life ? You are selfish and petty , arrogant and spoiled .
- I 've heard that before . But it is not true !
- Try to convince me .
  Hailey raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms , waiting for an answer . Lauren glanced toward the course of the stream .
- Well , I never wanted to participate in it in the beginning. The only thing I wanted was that Dylan was mine forever , but after knowing about Elisabeth and know that he was being imprisoned and tortured , decided to join the battle.
- You are silly .
- What did you say ?
- You want to break free from the tyranny Dylan Price Ice Queen and then kill him prisoner because of his love . Do you really think just what you want to do with it ?
- I do not want that for him, I did not even think that way .
- It should. Love is not to keep your loved one attached to you . Love is the freedom of choice you give to that person . Think about it and then reconsider your choice .
  Hailey disappeared and left the girl thinking about that conversation. She Dylan and I thought he must be going through right now in the grip of Elisabeth for her all those years he was away . Hailey was right , was not fair .
' I will fight for him , but no more so it is with me . I want it to be free to do what you want and resume the life he lost because of me . '

Friday, September 27, 2013

❅ cнαρтєя 13 ❅

  When Lauren left the cabin with training clothes and with her ​​hair tied in a tight ponytail , she saw that Arianne and the other two teachers were waiting for her . The teachers looked at each other and the master of fire arms lengthened .
- If I may , I intend to start . - Said the master of the earth , a man of middle age with brown hair , green eyes and clothing cinitilantes moss green that matched her eyes .
- Go ahead - Arianne replied - I plan to leave the best for last .
  Lauren walked over to stand a few feet of Robert . They stared for a moment and the master has disappeared from sight of the girl, reappearing only after you shoot it with a creeping fast .
- Do not wait for enemy movement . Attack the target as if it were their own worst faults you plan to destroy. Well , let's start again , but you will pay me two hundred pushups with two of those rocks in your back .
  The girl felt her knees go weak at the sight of the two stones that she would have to endure for long and two hundred pushups . Arianne rocks tied with a rope made ​​from dried roots árovres back the girl and pulled the lace until she felt difficulty breathing . Lauren reached down and began to realize exercícos , being supervised by three teachers who were talking in a foreign language she did not recognize .

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 - 198, 199, 200 . I'm impressed that you have resisted so far , but let's see what you can really do , little girl. Get up !
  Lauren was exhausted and the muscles of her arms ached , but still she stood unsteadily apoaindo on the porch , trying to support his weight. Robert gave him a spear made ​​with twisted branches and at length worked, but they were pretty heavy .
  The master of the Earth attacked her, who had his face scratched by the sharp tip of the spear of man . Lauren tried to attack and dodge at the same time, but he was extremely fast and was a factor that she did not have - the power to control plants and all that was land .
  Lauren dropped out countless times effortlessly through the branches of trees that bound her ankles .
- I can not ! It is not fair .
- It's just not fair because you do not believe you can do the same as me.
- How so ? I can ?
- If you want , yes .
  She stood up and took a deep breath . Took his spear in hand again and looked at the environment around you closely and she saw things before and did not realize that would facilitate her victory .
  Robert was not compassionate and do not let the girl think straight because he attacked without tiring and never stop until you shoot it . The girl entered the woods, but the tree branches trying to hold her wrists and ankles until she saw the location of the master and saw a tree with a branch near him and imagined the tree holding his wrists .
  As if reading the mind of the girl , the árovre did exactly what she wanted and disarmed the master with ease . So she was not only able to control fire , but also the other elements .

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   Dennis was not extremely cruel to the girl . The basic domains of air had no secrets , yet Lauren felt an immense difficulty to control the force of winds and lead them according to his will , as the temperature and humidity set them .
- Oh, come on ! A breeze like that may not be able to take you down !
  Lauren was going through a serious difficulty in maintaining standing balancing a porcelain vase on the head on one foot with a mighty wind trying to tear it down , what happened a few times. The wind was violent and cold, it was aa girl does not feel his arms and feel his bones freeze .
- It would be easier if the wind disappeared .
  Dennis smiled when the wind disappeared completely . It was not by his will , but the sincerity and strength of the desire of the girl , who returned to establish their balance until the necessary time.
- My sincere congratulations , girl . I wish you luck with your next workout .

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  The next and last session was with Arianne . Lauren took a few minutes to compose himself before the nightmare .
  Arianne was stretching the muscles and when he saw the approaching girl, launched a circle of fire around the girl , making her feel suffocated and unable to get around. Thick smoke choked the girl and the other teachers thought about interfirir , but the master forbade fire with a hand gesture .
- If she wants to survive, she will have to go out there alone .
  Lauren cowered , fearing being hurt by the flames that were even taller than she , however , the more she retreated , but the flames became aggressive and ravenous , burning some points of her arms and face . She thought of the previous training and used a type of wind to make way between the fire , which disappeared after she escaped . Arianne continued with a hostile expression , but Dennis smiled proudly .
- Let's see how you do against it . - Arianne made ​​a cut along the right forearm Lauren with a long sword whose blade was red and with a temperature unbearably high .
  The girl was now more agile, however, when higher training , you feel weaker . The forces of the Earth and even the Air could not help her against the master , who was advancing on her fiercely , as if he had intended to kill her at that moment .
 As the master attacked with his special powers , Lauren tried to awaken the power of fire that was inside, but it was useless . As much as she tried, nothing indicated that she could wield the power of fire .
 Arianne kept attacking relentlessly , making the girl fall and suffer serious bruises , and severe muscle strain . Lauren was tired , in pain and feeling humiliated and defeated enough for a lifetime . She cried silently so that the teacher did not notice and thought about running away from there and stay in the house of Gray as if nothing ever happened and Elisabeth was not a threat . But she remembered Dylan prisoner of the Ice Queen , the friend Bethany and her mother who were in danger , her parents and Price. She remembered the world and motivated to continue .
  Something was growing inside of Lauren Gray and making her body burn inside with intensity. A red light glowed orange directly from the heart of the girl and she saw a two-bladed sword made ​​of gold before her. She drew his gun and fought Arianne as equals . The noise of the blades inhibited the silence of the forest and attacked as if they were enemies.
  Dennis entou in the fight , followed by Robert , forcing the girl fight against all three at once . It was a chore , however it does not desitiu in no time . Lauren battled all the forces uniting all elements at once , creating a light so bright it was almost blinding and knocked the three masters .

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

❅ cнαρтєя 12 ❅

  After leaving the hospital, Lauren was taken back to the Dream River Park , where Dylan said that a person could help her to awaken the powers of fire and heat so that Elisabeth has a definite end .

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   They walked until they reached the heart of the forest . In the beginning , there was nothing but darkness and various trees , but after that his vision is able to adapt , you can see a small hut and a person sitting on the porch , playing with fire sparks between the fingers so bored .
- Dylan Price, what brings you here ?
- I need to train my girlfriend , Lauren Gray .
  The girl who was on the balcony looked at them and then stared at Lauren for a long moment . She narrowed her eyes and then showed a surprised expression .
- It will not happen . Get out of here .
- What? We came here to hear a no? Who do you think you are?
- I'm Arianne Bentley , master of his ancestor . And I will train you , even if it is an emergency .
- Why not? Oh, I know ! You turned over a puppy Elisabeth , is not it?
  Arianne walked toward the girl and slapped her in the face , causing Lauren clash against the trunk of a tree hard.
- Put yourself in their place , girl . This is one of the reasons I do not waste my time with you . The arrogance dominates you and you think you can have everything you want . You think that all are at your disposal and you just snap your fingers that all appear to serve you . You are wrong. Your place should be with Elisabeth and not the family that descended from the great ruler of fire and heat.
  Dylan decided interfirir because that conversation would not end well .
- Please Arianne . If not for her , it is for all that exists . You know you just can face Lauren Elisabeth , but only if she is coached by you .
  Arianne snorted and looked at Lauren gesture of disapproval clearly apparent . She sat back down on the balcony , but this time was a book cover made ​​of black leather in his hands. The object floated in the air and passing wind changed pages in the book so he could read Arianne . Lauren was getting impatient , but Dylan held with a slight twinge of hope .
- So be it . - She said at last - but be aware that it will be a rigorous workout and not be just me who will train her . Dennis , former master of the air and the master of the land , Robert . We must begin today , time is against us from now on . - Staring Dylan - But she must be trained alone , without a hearing of acquaintances that may hinder the performance of it , it certainly will not be very good.
  Dylan nodded slowly and departed , leaving Lauren to the care of master of fire , which threw some clothes for her and told her to change inside the cabin .

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

❅ cнαρтєя 11 ❅

It was six o'clock in the morning and Lauren had not yet agreed . The Dylan song worked well with her last night . The girl was immersed in pleasant dreams which she did not want to wake up , but eventually wake up when he heard a soft knock on the door .
- You can enter.
  A newly hired nurse came in with a tray of breakfast for her. The woman was not over 25 years and wore the white uniform so neatly aligned with the long hair and curly stuck in a bun complex that certainly does not collapse even if she ran a marathon in full swing . Unlike other nurses , that was exceptionally friendly and caring .
- Hello and good day , Miss Gray . - She had a slight accent in her voice .
- Good day ... ?
- My name is Milenne . I'm new here .
- It is a pleasure to meet you , Milenne . At least you're friendly , unlike the rest of the people in this hospital.
  Milenne smiled shyly and left the tray with breakfast for Lauren on the bed . When she aproximoou , the girl could smell the lavender coming from skinned nurse .
- I know this is not my business , but ... Where is that boy who gave his admission to the hospital yesterday?
  Lauren looked at the cup of hot chocolate intently without saying anything at all . However , the sharp eyes of Milenne were able to realize that she was about to cry.
- I see ... Can I tell you something ? He returns .
- Did you?
- Sure . I attended when he did his paperwork and realized how worried he was with you. He loves you, and believe whatever the misunderstanding , he will return . If he could not stay more than ten minutes away from you , I'm sure he will not stand to be long absent .
- But what if he left because I told him to go ?
  Milenne handed the phone to her amicably .
- Call him and ask him to come back . Well , I'll let you take your coffee in peace , I have several things to do yet. When done just hit the bell and I come back to take the tray , ok ?
- Thanks, Milenne .
  The nurse left and Lauren left facing a plate of eggs with a large slice of bacon, which mimicked a smile . The girl could not eat anything , much less something as he smiled amiably at her in a moment of grief she was experiencing . She looked at the phone that was on the bedside table and thought the chance to ask for it back . Lauren wanted to forget everything and have his company again, but call and ask for him to return after all she said was something cynical and disingenuous on her part . In addition , Dylan did not deserve to be a prisoner of it and being confined inside a hospital room .
  The girl was lying , staring at the tray of breakfast that was on her still hot and ready to be eaten , but there was something wrong there. For the first time , she noticed that there was portion for two people . Certainly Milenne thought Dylan would be there to share the meal with her.

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   Dylan was still inside the car , but he was not driving . I was taking a short nap when his cell phone rang again . Annoyed , the boy saw that it was the tenth time that Elisabeth was calling him and sternly rejected the call . The proportion of links of the queen was five minutes nap connection .
  His cell phone rang again , and when the boy was about to toss it out the window , he saw that there was Elisabeth .
- Good morning .
- Sorry I woke you , Dylan ?
- Actually I do not even slept yet. Something wrong ?
- You could go back ?
  He rubbed his eyes and gave a slight pinch. Lauren was really asking for it back ?
- Are you sure ? What happened to the old Gray who never returned after what he said ? Who are you and what have you done with Lauren ?
  The girl laughed for a moment and then pulled himself together . What did Dylan smile too .
- I'll be there in a minute .

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   He entered the room with immense joy and euphoria combined with an insistent symphony of his stomach begging for food. Dylan came in and stared at the girl for a moment .
- What is it?
- Why are you staring at the food with that face ? I 'm starving here and you with double portions ? How much injustice in this world ! - He grimaced dramatically that made ​​Lauren smile.
- If you want to join me , I'd be happy .
  Dylan sat on her bed in a flash , but before attacking his portion , he seguou the spoon that was in the girl's hand and took a lot of eggs.
- Open your mouth ...
- You will not do that , will you?
- Of course I will , with a bruised arm you will not be able to eat alone . Moreover , it is the least I can do for you fool .
  They had coffee simultaneously, but the girl did Dylan Lauren eat and put the meal in his mouth with his good arm .
  When it finally ended , Lauren rang the bell to call Milenne , which came seconds later and was surprised when he saw the boy in the room. Just an exchange of glances made the nurse understand that  Lauren followed her advice and took the tray nicely .
  Dylan looked at his watch . It was seven- thirty in the morning . He yawned for a long time and lay down next to Lauren in the bed room .
- Companions can not sleep in the beds of patients , remember?
- I do not care . I was away from you for more than enough time for all my life . Besides, I miss being near you .
  He pulled the girl's head on his shoulder and brought his face to hers before succumbing to fatigue that dominated completely .

Monday, September 23, 2013

❅ cнαρтєя 10 ❅

   Lauren watched  Dylan  from the bedroom window and felt his heart to ashes . He had made a fool of lies and during that time , it was not fair . For a moment , he asked what she did with Lauren Gray stopped to think about the reasons he would have to hide that secret , which concerned not only for her life , but also to their lives together in the future and that was unforgivable. Even though she did not believe at the time, he should have made ​​an effort to make her believe in everything .
  She was still exhausted from all he heard and discovered , beyond the discussion she had with Dylan . Her head ached from crying and the information that she had yet to process . Unfortunately , she could not sleep and it made her feel even worse . Think about how Dylan felt should be pained to her heart , but she would not ask him to return to the hospital . The girl reached into her coat pockets for new phone and dialed the number of the first name that was on the agenda .

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     Soft music echoed through the interior of the black Audi of Dylan . His cell phone was ringing , but who would be at this hour ? He had nothing to lose and thought it was Elisabeth , yet decided to attend.
   However , he had a big surprise to look in the phone display . His face was stamped dearest and beloved Dylan had at heart.
- You all right?
- Well, it's ...
- Can not sleep , is it?
   He heard a sigh distant girl and smiled briefly .
   As if his smile had crossed the other side of the line , Lauren repaired the motovo that she called him .
- I was wondering if you are well , just that. I do not want to come back here .
- Okay, that's it?
- ...
- I'm driving now and I can not be talking now . Good evening , Lauren .
- Wait! I actually can not sleep so I was wondering if you could ...
- I know ... Aoi Rayflower ito ?
- Please .
- You are lying ?
- Yes
   Dylan put the phone on speaker and started singing the song that always made Lauren sleeping : Aoi Ito , which is sung by the group Rayflower . For the girl , hearing the boy sing was like a gift from the gods, for he had an angelic voice that was rich and smooth , capable lullaby anyone . She was giving in to fatigue and sleep lightly until fast asleep with the phone in the right ear .
  Upon hearing the deep breath girl , Dylan wished good night and hung up . He felt happy to help her sleep , despite the distance . The boy wanted to come back and hug her tenderly and get lost in his brown eyes that sparkled whenever they were together. The soft skin of her playing it and how innocent she fell asleep with her ​​head resting on his shoulder were in some infinite reasons he wished to be with her , but some factors such as it being a vassal and son of Elisabeth , the fact that he lied at her request and Lauren so he did not come back over everything and made it crumble exergar true reality : the old Dylan Price was dead and now he only represented pain and illusion for all who were dear to him .

Sunday, September 22, 2013

❅ cнαρтєя 9 ❅

   Lauren was sleeping like an angel , however , a dream that looked more like a nightmare , woke her up during the night screaming , which scared Dylan, who was asleep in the chair beside . He ran to hold the hands of the girl , but was hit by a punch in the stomach .
- Hey , what did you do lessons during this time that we are away ?
- I'm sorry . I thought you were someone else .
- It's okay now . I 'm here .
  For the first time , she saw something she could not before . Turquoise was a light around the body of Dylan and the image of the Queen Elisabeth cold swung behind the boy . In the boy's neck , she saw a deep scar in the shape of a snowflake . Lauren 's eyes widened even more when he saw the reflection of his eyes an image resembling a memory where the ice queen puts that mark him with a violent motion and did Dylan bleed.
  The boy looked stunned Lauren . What she was seeing was not he ? He shook hands in front of her face to free her from the trance that held apart and lit the lamp .
- Why do not you tell me? - Her eyes were tears umidecidos approaching - Why did you hide it from me all this time ?
- So you can see ... I just wanted to save you from suffering premature. Elisabeth told me that you had when you wake seventeen, so ...
- So you decided to make me an idiot ? So you decided to fool me , since I could not see any of that, is not it? You mean since I started high school did you deal with that witch ?
- You will never believe me if I told you and even because I never meant to lie and deceive you, I just want to protect you in all ways possible .
  Dylan tried to approach her , but the girl pushed him away . She was crying and looked at him with pain and sadness .
- Is there anything else you want to tell me ? Or I'll have to find out yourself?
- Well - he sighed - I learned long ago that you are a direct descendant of the ancient queen of the fire and all that represented the heat, so Elisabeth wants to get rid of you . Also , I discovered that I am ...
- You what? I do not want to lie to me more ! Tell me everything ! I just can not stay out of it and do not want to be like a ghost without knowing anything !
- I am the son of Elisabeth . The second.
- You what ? - She gave a nervous laugh - How ? Why? Who's first then?
- The first child is Bryan Whinterland and she abandoned me as soon as she knew I would come into this world and made ​​sure I was born between the Price family so she could get rid of me . But when she learned of our involvement and who you were, in fact , Elisabeth met me and said what I had to do , but I refused and offered to be her vassal forever if he would spare you from all evil .
  Lauren grabbed the sheets so tightly that they ended up tearing . She was shaking and her brown hair hid the girl's face like a thick curtain chocolate brown . Dylan saw that the sheets were a few drops of freshly shed tears for her. He knew she was angry at him and wanted him to leave , but at the same time she did not want to be alone .
  He brushed her hair from her face and held her hand that was without the plaster . Lauren lifted her face , which was wet with tears that flowed endlessly . The infeior her jaw was tense and contracted extremente , which made the muscles of her face sore , but nothing was more painful to know that the person she loved most was hiding all this from her for so long .
- I know you're mad at me and you have every right to be angry , but I want you to understand what I felt when I knew everything . Put yourself in my shoes and think about my options : you tell it all or would keep for you ?
  Lauren did not respond . Just looking at him with her ​​big brown eyes filled with tears .
- Go away . I do not want to see you ever again. - She hissed , trying to prevent a new access tearful .
- I hope you get well soon . - He kissed the top of her head - forgive me one more time ... You'll be fine alone ? Want me to call your parents stay here with you ?
  She shook her head and looked away from him . Knowing that she would not accept that he stay until dawn, he left the lamp on and went out the back door of the hospital , her heart into tiny fragments . He left quietly with your Audi and has not looked back because he knew that if he did once , tears would come to his eyes .
' If she hate me Lauren will not suffer anymore. As much it hurts my soul to know that she is in danger , she will not forgive me for not accepting my help ... It seems that my love will have to fall back asleep until the right moment . '

Saturday, September 21, 2013

❅ cнαρтєя 8 - łαυяєη gяαy ❅

  The main street was empty , except for the Jeep I was driving and the Tahoe that was following me at high speed. By mirrors , I saw that Bryan was in the car behind , but he looked different and a sinister smile took care of his features . Stepped on the accelerator of the car , but he kept chasing me .
  After trying many miles away taking detours, shortcuts and walking in the opposite direction in some deserted streets , I saw that the Tahoe had mysteriously disappeared . Slowed down , thinking that everything was the work of my imagination .
  But I soon realized that it was not my imagination . When I looked forward , saw clearly that Bryan was practically throwing him Tahoe over the Jeep as happened between me and that white convertible Elisabeth .
  The Jeep spun and I lost control . I was without a seat belt and hit my head against the glass front of the car , causing some shards of glass stay on my face , along with a large amount of blood I was losing . Then, the Jeep stopped in the middle of the track traversed and Bryan had disappeared. I tried to put the car in the right direction and continue the path but a colossal truck coming full steam towards me and hit the passenger side hard and the car flipped several times . Bethany surely would have a fit if he knew what happened to her car , but this was not the time for me to worry about it . The door was locked and I could not escape again . My head slammed into the front glass and the darkness took over my vision.

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     I woke up feeling something weighing on my body and in terrible pain in my head and my whole body . Somehow , someone was carrying me on his lap and putting myself lying somewhere. Once I regained consciousness in fact , I saw a jacket that was on top of me and the world seemed to be moving. I tried to sit up, but felt dizzy and went back to enormous lie . I could smell the eucalyptus and leather again and saw that I was in a car , in the backseat .
- We are coming to the hospital , dear , stay down until we get there , okay ?
- Dylan ... What happened ? And my parents ? I have to see if they are okay .
- Yes , they are right , my love , do not worry . I did not know that Elisabeth had sent Bryan Whinterland to disrupt your path and cause this accident and so I came first in his parents' home . I walked quietly and saw that everything was in place and his parents were sleeping peacefully .
  I was silent and let out a low moan . Dylan looked at me in the rearview mirror with blue eyes filled with concern . He released one hand from the steering wheel and held my get up in the hospital . A nurse took my car and put me on a stretcher while my friend gave my input there.
  I was taken for a suture room , where a nurse with gray hair and scowl was waiting to give me points on my forehead , on my right arm and my chin . Then I was allowed to shower and call a doctor Holly said my arm was left with multiple fractures and I should stay there for a week .
- Can I come in ?
- Yes
   Dylan was worried about me and he was calmer after seeing my situation . He sat in a chair that was next to my bed and stroked my hair .
- I'm sorry . This was all my fault .
- I do not want you to beat yourself up , my angel . - Dylan looked at me tenderly and kissed my hand - You do not know anything about it and I walked away without telling you anything. The fact is my fault too. I who should an apology .
- You did it for me . You left all your dreams for me . This is not fair .
  He kissed my elbow , my shoulder , my neck until my lips . Dylan returned to being kind and considerate as before , but deep down I knew that Elisabeth was still alive . So we parted , our faces were still close.
- Not true princess . I still have a dream I want to accomplish : to have complete confidence in you by my side.
  Could not help but sigh . He opened and realized that crooked smile that I love so much .
- You need to rest , my love . Try to forget what happened and let sleep take care of you . I'll be here all night .
  When would start sleeping , tiredness disappeared and a wave of concern filled me .
- And Bethany ? She and her mother will be worried , not to mention my parents ! Also, I think I'll get grounded the rest of my life and Beth will not speak to me because of what I did in her car.
- Hey , calm down , dear . Everything is under control . Her car is back intact and his record says you are here because you fell skiing , ok ? - He winked at me .
 I nodded, a little more quiet . I closed my eyes and sleep soon arrived . Even still it is not the time , I felt safe and happy , as if none of this had happened . Dylan was there with me and that was important.

Friday, September 20, 2013

❅ cнαρтєя 7 - ∂yłαη ρяıcє ❅

  Lauren had already left . Now Elisabeth and I were just in that forest . Damn that witch was as a teenager, with the image of a platinum blonde , pointing a spear of ice at me with a half smirk . I was at a disadvantage because it had no weapons , but I remembered the powers that be had as her vassal .
- Is your order , Dylan Price. Say your last words .
- I say , but only one will : Die .
  I jumped behind her and gave her a trick . Furious, she stood up , but changed his spear for a powerful weapon , the same as she used to shoot Lauren . Thinking about it made ​​my stomach churn , because I could not imagine those filthy hands upon the girl that I love so much .
  She stood up , his face showing pure hatred and rancor . I ran through the trees , trying to find a loophole to attack , but got nothing . Elisabeth was shooting at me and I escaped for very little . Could not run forever , I knew that, but needed something to fight for equality against it . I thought of a sword , but it would not be so practical . A weapon like hers ? Would not be as effective . Then I thought of a dagger and object materialized in my hands . Cut the chains that held me like a dog and I immediately felt lighter and more powerful. Stopped running and I was hoping she reached me .
  It did not take long for Elisabeth arrived , but she had no weapon in his hands . She was the true form again and had an expression on the face of victory.
- I need not waste my valuable time with you worthless human . What I want to happen will happen , but in competent hands and you can not arrive in time to save her this time .
  She disappeared and that laugh bone-chilling remained in the air . I knew she had something to prevent Lauren arriving to the house of Gray and I needed to stop whatever she has concocted . I left the forest and followed quickly with my Audi for the road leading to the house of her parents .

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

❅ cнαρтєя 6 - łαυяєη gяαy ❅

  I had a nightmare during the night and got up from the bed so that I do not know how to explain . Received a dose of adrenaline and traded my flannel pajamas for black jeans , a T-shirt beige, black boots and a black denim jacket . Cautiously descended the stairs and grabbed the keys to the Jeep Black Bethany , who was out of the garage .
   I drove the road that went to the Dream River Park , which was far from the house of Williams . Shortly before arriving there, parked the Jeep on the shoulder and left the keys in case of contact for a quick getaway . An owl was flying over the place and it made the hairs on my neck stand on end .
  As I progressed, it was colder and more I was afraid, however , I forbade retreat. Was already here do not know for what reason and I would not return without answers . My vision was slow to adapt to the lack of sufficient light , but I kept moving forward , being attracted by a magnetic impluso . I stepped on a twig and that same owl began to watch me on a branch not far from me . I ignored my chills and got a piece that was divided into three directions . I followed the trail left with the feeling that she was being watched and followed closely .
  When I least expected it , someone jumped behind me. I ran as fast as I could , but the steps were getting closer . I started slowing down when I did not hear anyone behind me , however , someone grabbed my right forearm .
- Lauren , wait . Me , Dylan .
- What are you doing here ? Why are you following me ?
- The first question is mine. You should not be sleeping at this hour?
- Yes , but I felt I needed to come here .
- Go away , please. If she sees us together, she will kill you and I do not want it because I will not be able to prevent. Run away as fast as you can.
- Dylan , what's happening ?
- The platinum blonde . She was just an illusion , a test to kill you since the accident did not work for me .
- Then whatever is not happening by chance ?
  Dylan nodded slowly .
- She wants to kill you and prevent this I gave up to be with my normal life . While I am a vassal of it you 're safe , that is, if you stay away from me forever .
  The moonlight illuminated his face and I could see that he had several bruises on his face and a neck chain, which looked more like a dog enforcadeira . I was horrified . Dylan was being tortured by my fault . He lost everything he had to stop some psychopath to kill me . I felt all the hatred get hold of me , mixed with guilt and sadness. I left my beloved there and kept running, passing all that was supernatural in my mind . That woman . I had to find it and put a stop to it and release Dylan . Tears burned in my eyes and trembling took care of my body , but I have not stopped . I heard him calling me and asking me to come back , but not obeyed . If Dylan did not want me to move forward meant that she'd be there.
  The branches seemed sharp spears and tore my clothes and my skin . The place where I had taken the shot was hurting , but it did not matter . Follow the trail of cold air stung my lungs .

❅ ❅ ❅

   It was then that I met her : she was a woman of about 20 years old , with gray hair , big eyes turquoise , dark pink lips dressed in a white robe and blue with clear crystals . In her head, she had a crown made of crystals . The air was even colder than it was .
- So we meet again .
- I nuncate seen before .
- Saw yes , my dear .
  I pulled my memory and saw that she was platinum blonde . That woman was trying to kill me . It was because of her that Dylan was arrested and injured. She was torturing him and I would pay for it .
- Then remembered ? What good thing . - She smiled poisonous - I want to propose a trade .
  Took a step back .
- I have nothing to negotiate with you. Dylan just want free .
- It is the focus of my proposal . Give your life useless to me and I will not hurt any hair on his head again. See this? - She raised a thick chain in her left hand - is what holds me Dylan Price .
- Release it , your damn !
  Did not expect any reaction . I stepped on it and made a scratch on the pale skin that witch . I realized she glared at me and made a sharp ice spear , pointing it towards my throat.
- I will not be merciful to you , Lauren Gray . Since you always been an obstacle in my achievements and I'll remove here and now . Die .
  Lance approached in a ferocious speed . I closed my eyes , trying to drown out the pain to come, but I heard the noise of breaking throws and saw that Dylan was a fragment of the spear in his hand , which was injured .
- You will not touch it , Elisabeth .
- You can not stop me . - She used a whip ice to injure his face - Vassal useless. I told you not to try to communicate with her again , did not I? Now both of you will suffer .
- Dylan !
  He took my face in his cold hands and kissed me . Unlike what happened last time , I was not hurt. Dylan had taken effect on me and I would not have to fear the snow and cold again.
- Go away and do not look back . I will kill Elisabeth because she hurt you .
- But she did not ...
- The shot . I will never forgive you for doing that . Our contract was clear and she said it would not hurt while I was the vassal of it . Are you hurt because of the trees . Go home , not for Bethany . His parents are in danger . Help them .
- What about you ?
- I'll meet you later. Now go .
- Enough talk ! - Elisabeth was in the form of platinum blonde again, with ice spear in hand pointed at us.
  Dylan was on his feet again and put me behind him. Before I did anything , he pushed me and whispered for me to run as fast as possible . Without options , I obeyed and ran for where I had been , but a shadow was chasing me . Bethany found the Jeep as I had left and went to my parents' house .

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

❅ cнαρтєя 5 ❅

  The girl platinum remained hidden in the trees until you hear the sirens of the police officers who were approaching . She dug up to get a deep hole to hide the gun. They were nearby and when the girl finished the work , his fingers were injured and ruined your nails . The lights of the lanterns were lit all over the place and she slipped nimbly over the trees .
  But she did not count that one branch would sag and she would slip . One of the policemen drew his companions and pointed the flashlight at the blonde , who went on the run with a speed about human next to a crossroads , disappearing with a wind laden with snow . She arrived in an extremely cold and completely disappeared . Where ? Nobody knows .

❅ ❅ ❅

    In a castle that should not be there , a woman walked from one side to the other , infuriated with one of his vassals . She was with a whip in his hand which was made of a material and unusual punish the boy so inhuman , beating him until he fell to the floor writhing in pain . His face was marked by strikes and he was holding it in his hands , trying to catch his breath . She walked over and grabbed his chin with one hand so rude and crude.
- If it were not for this your pretty face , you'd be dead at this hour . I'll give you a second chance , but if you expect to see or save that girl again I'll kill you , understand?
  He nodded, his pupils dilated with fear , grief and despair , realizing that the chains that were around his neck were gradually loosened , so that the air allowed to recover gradually .
- Get out of my face , vassal useless.
  The boy disappeared from the huge hall and left the woman alone , immersed in their own plans . Your target would now be approached differently and lethal , so as to put an end to power rivalry she had with enemies .

❅ cнαρтєя 4 - łαυяєη gяαy ❅

  Wake up the next day exhausted. Even with a full night's sleep, I could not stop thinking about Dylan and the person who hit my car . Somehow , there was no photo of the convertible at any news . One question that still bothers me is how he knew I was there . Is he who was in the white convertible and did that on purpose ?
  I took the breakfast even without any hunger because the mother Bethany had been engaged in the kitchen and it would be unethical to reject. Mary went to work and Beth went to school . I was alone in the house of Williams and had absolutely nothing to do. Take a walk around the block ? No. I decided to stay at home even , since my sedan was destroyed I had no where to go . I took a quick shower and changed clothes , but I was in the library of the house , trying to distract myself with a book that interested me . I found nothing .
  I was wandering through the rooms of the house like a ghost when I hear the doorbell ring . I looked out the window and saw that it was Bryan . I went downstairs and opened the door .
- Hello , Gray . - He was smiling . - Are you busy ?
- No. On the contrary , I am almost dying of boredom .
- Cool, then you accept to go with me to the ski resort ?
- Okay .
  I left a note on the kitchen table and put on a beige jacket . Bryan followed up the Tahoe and when we arrived at the ski resort, it was empty . I had trauma to ski because when Dylan and I were kids , he pushed me down the mountain and I left the course. Hit a tree trunk and broke his left arm . After that day I never skied . Bryan and I realized I was watching the maneuvers he did , when I heard someone call me within the trees . No one was there I entered and I , feeling the trunk of the tree, fearing falling or tripping .
  A figure passed me and stopped in front of me . It was a girl who was with the platinum hair stuck in a ponytail with a gun in his hand , pointing at me . She had caramel-colored eyes that conveyed contempt and hatred for me . The air grew colder and my legs were shaking . I ran next to an exit , but she threw in my right calf . I kept running , calling for Bryan , but he did not answer . I started to panic even more to think that would be killed by that girl I had ever seen. She fired again , but caught in a tree .
  I could hear her footsteps behind me, which soon also became a race . Plating tried it , but she always found me . My leg no longer obeyed me more and I could see a thick trail of blood behind me. Could not run anymore and I was wading further into the forest . My cell phone was destroyed and no one could hear me scream.
- No more jokes , Lauren Gray . Die .
  The weapon shone pointed at my chest . The girl shot , but I saw that someone shot deflected upward. Bryan was . The platinum blonde growled and desaapareceu into the forest .
- Hey , what did I miss ?
- I heard someone calling me and I wanted to see who was ...
- And then you shot in the leg?
  I nodded, sitting on the floor , feeling my hands being eroded by snow. Bryan helped me up and took me to a hospital for the removal of ammunition. A police officer made ​​a case and said that the girl would be arrested soon, so I do not worry.

❅ ❅ ❅

  I arrived at Williams ' house in the late afternoon . Bethany and her mother were worried about me and were amazed when they saw my leg bandaged and Bryan explained what happened and apologized for not taking care of me .
- Are you crazy ? Get in the middle of a place like that alone ? You could be dead at this hour !
- I know . I'm sorry .
- Well , your parents will have a fit when they hear it.
- They do not need to know that , right?
- You owe me one , Gray . - Bethany blinked , pretending I was talking to my parents by phone.
  The dinner was ready and I had some difficulty . The effect of the painkillers were starting to fade and a twinge of pain was starting to apareecer . I changed the bandages and I went to bed , but I saw that there was a box on the bed .
- His parents sent him to you - Mrs Williams talked the floor below - is a new phone .
  It was a beautiful machine , even better than what I had before . I put it on the table and lay down to sleep . I was thinking of that voice and the voice of the girl platinum before succumbing to sleep. They were somehow similar , but I just took that thought out of my mind . Had he not saved me , I would not be here now .

Sunday, September 15, 2013

❅ cнαρтєя 3 ❅

  The headlight of a car that was far been released about the girl who was standing in the middle of the pavement , with his thoughts far from reality. A black Tahoe was approaching on medium speed , however , the car was not so far away and braked sharply , a few inches from the body weak and trembling girl.
- Hey ! Want to get out of the middle of the street , girl ?
  Lauren was startled by the voice of the driver of the car and looked at him . It was probably a boy a year older than her, green eyes and hair the color of honey were slightly curly .
- Excuse me , is that someone hit my car and he ended up capsizing and lost my phone in there , I'm not who to call .
  The boy looked at the flames that have consumed the car and the girl who was there under the lights of the headlights . How could she be alive with as big a mess in the car ? She could never have escaped from there and if she did, she would be in a sorry state . He raised an eyebrow at her .
- How did you get out of there altogether?
- A person saved me while I was unconscious . When I awoke , I was lying three feet from where my car was on fire .
- I know ... And your family know?
  It was Lauren 's turn to raise an eyebrow .
- I think I told you that my phone has this for the better and there is no public phone here . Besides, what good for you to know the details ? Are you by chance a part of the police ?
- No, but if I can help ... You were going in this direction ?
- Yes, I went to the house of mine friend , Bethany Williams .
- Williams ? - He frowned - Personally, I think Bethany Williams unbearable.
- How do you know ?
- Easy . 'm Her neighbor . But I can take you there . But before you think I will need to call your parents , right?
- Thank you.

  The Gray became quiet after speaking with the boy 's Tahoe , which has pledged to take it safely to the house of Williams .
  The interior was warm and comfortable , smelled like new leather . The radio was on playing rock , but the kid down the volume to talk to Lauren , she looked at the window so distracted and unconscious.
- It's okay ... ?
- Lauren . Lauren Gray. Yes , I'm fine .
- Not what it seems to me , Gray . Well , I'm Bryan Whinterland .
- Truth . I'm fine , Bryan . I'm just thinking a bit .
- ' If overthink the answers never appear in full ' . - Lauren looked at him, confused - What? My grandmother always says that. She moved to Boston three years ago .
- You must miss her .
- Yes , but she comes to visit us every year . Well , we arrived.
   Bryan stopped the car in front of a townhouse modern beige and white .
- Thank you.
- Do not thank, Gray .

  Once Lauren rang the bell of Williams , Bethany opened the door , the girl had red hair who were at the neck with a side fringe and she was dressed in a light blue flannel pajamas . And to see her friend , grabbed her wrist and pulled her up the stairs to her room .
- Good! What happened to your car ?
- I do not know , someone was driving a white convertible in the opposite direction and hit my car .
- It was a mess and so . But tell me : how did you get out of there ?
- Dylan saved me .
  Bethany choked breath .
- You must have been dizzy from the smoke . Dylan is ... You know . No way he got saved you from there.
- He's not dead , Beth ! I saw him , I touched him and kissed him .
- Ok , L. I will not argue with you. But changing the subject ... As you could walk up here ?
- Actually its neighbor brought me here .
- Who? Harry Wallace ?
- No! That 's Tahoe Black , Bryan Whinterland .
  The redhead looked at her open-mouthed and then sniffed .
- Whinterland is a boy unbearable. Did the school with him .
- Why do you not understand ? He told me the same thing about you .
- I think we are not as perfect as you and D.

  Soon , a stone was thrown at the window of Bethany . It was Bryan , who was in his bedroom window , which was in front of her.
- What is your problem , Whinterland ?
- Will gives to lower the tone of voice ? I'm trying to sleep here ! Ah , good evening , Lauren .
- Good evening , Bryan .
  The other girl hit the window and showed Lauren the room where she would stay. It was a large guest bedroom with a single bed covered with white sheets and white comforter . The Gray sent another suitcase with clothes immediately when they learned of the accident and she wore her yellow cotton pajamas . The curtains were open , which allowed the moonlight illuminating the room where she was .
  A shadow fell in wardrobes with the silhouette of a girl and a boy who was taller than her, but it had a chain around his neck .

 ' Dylan ... '

Saturday, September 14, 2013

❅ cнαρтєя 2 ❅

   Lauren spent the rest of the day thinking about the owner of that voice and the place where Dylan could be . Whistler was a great place and she did not know where to look . But one thing she was certain : nothing to prevent them from looking for him . Later that same day , she called her friend from school, Bethany Williams , combining a week's stay at her house to get to collect more information about the place where Dylan could be . Furthermore , the mother of Bethany was a specialist in regression therapy and also was a psychologist , which left Gray quieter .
   The girl packed a bag and drove a medium sedan silver down Main Street . It was early evening and so were several cars there. After all , the night was quiet and Lauren drove quietly , when a white convertible came at high speed in the wrong direction and crashed into the sedan girl , making him roll over again and again until you have your glasses broken by branches razor sharp a tree , pointing toward the neck and chest of the girl. She tried to get out of the car , but the seat belt was stuck and would not budge.
  Lauren closed her eyes to try and ease the pain I would feel here the seconds, but was surprised when it turned out that the car was completely destroyed and in flames . She pinched , but it was not a dream , was the purest reality. Somehow , the girl saira car and was there , alive and unscathed .
  Beside her , a tall , dark-haired and wearing a white coat was staring at her . Who was he ? Seeing the man , Lauren pulled back sharply.
- I will not hurt you . If I wanted , I would have left you to die in that car .
  Her eyes widened . So he saved , how?
  The moonlight illuminated his face and those eyes made ​​the girl's heart want to jump through the mouth .
- Dylan ... Thank you.
- I'm always around to take care of you , but do not want you to look .
- Why? What is happening ? Why did you do with the cold hurt me ?
  He looked away and stared at the floor , his blue eyes dull , conveying melancholy and regret .
- I needed a way to ensure that you stay away from me . I'm not good for you. 'm Dangerous .
- What are you talking about? You just saved me from an accident that surely would make my life !
- Just to be able to try and redeem myself than I did . The evil that I 'm causing you . I know you've been sad and does not go much to school since that day . Breaks my heart to know what others say you are crazy my fault .
- So ... Why do you ... Not back ?
  She had her eyes brimming tears . Dylan knew it was wrong , but still came and comforted her with a hug . Lauren was still sobbing , but the nest of his arms were cold , but still were welcoming and made the girl stop crying . He kissed her forehead and pulled away from him gently .
  The girl looked at him with pleading eyes , that would make anyone hate yourself if you say no to such an innocence and grace .
- I'm sorry , but you will get hurt , I'm no longer that same Dylan Price you know.
- Of course you are ! I'm sure you're still the same , I just do not know why you want to stay away from people who love you, but you have not changed anything.
- Yes , I've changed. But I can not say how . Lauren , forgive me, but I can not do it for you . For more willpower than I have , I can not .
- If you can not , I can .
- No, Lauren did not.
  Lauren disobeyed the warnings of his friend and wrapped her arms around his neck , feeling the sweetness and all the love he had for her . Dylan tried to separate it , but the more he tried, the closer she got .
  Soon , she herself away on their own, touching her lips with her fingertips . Blood.
- I said you would get hurt . My whole body is cold and the simple fact that you get close to me now you're likely to get hurt . Understood that I am not who you think I am?
- I do not care if it happened , Dylan . Even if you stay close means I will die , I will stay close forever. I do not care how you are, just the fact that we are together and makes it mean nothing .
  Dylan did not respond . He looked at her for a second and left with a gust of wind came up suddenly . Lauren felt her chest was empty again and stood in the middle of the street , looking at where the boy disappeared .

Friday, September 13, 2013

❅ cнαρтєя 1 ❅

  The Price entered despair and agony when they learned of the disappearance of the boy in the snow . They called the police , but to no avail . No police dogs were able to track the scent of Dylan . It was as if he had mysteriously disappeared or ceased to exist . The Gray tried to look for him in the neighborhood , but were unsuccessful and it was to be the happiest of days ended in tragedy and misfortune .

❅ ❅ ❅

    Every day , people went to the house of the Price offer them comfort. The boy's mother , Melissa Price, was in a state of depression and his father , James Price , was giving up looking for him , after all, Dylan disappeared two months ago and there was still no trace or evidence to prove that he was still alive .
   Already the home of Gray , the girl Lauren was also in deep melancholy . She never imagined that it would feel , but the absence of Dylan was killing her inside a little bit . See the photos from when they were children and remember every moment was something that should not be done, but could not avoid . The need she had to see those blue eyes like the ocean was bigger than the strength she had to hold the longing and sadness . The girl went through several psychological accompaniments , but none was as effective , two weeks later , Lauren was immersed in deep sorrow , and hallucinate the house with the ghost of Dylan . Gradually, the Gray gave up to make her forget the boy, who was her boyfriend .
   That was too much for anyone to bear, but had no other way . Dylan told her to stay away from him , snow and ice, which still stung her skin in contact with her ​​skin . She became absent at school and spread rumors that she was crazy and that parents internariam in a rehabilitation clinic .
  But that did not matter to Lauren Gray . What she really wanted was Dylan again in her life .
  Still snowed a lot . There was nothing to do but relax by the fireplace and that's exactly what Lauren did . She fell asleep in the room with a book on the body .
❅ ❅ ❅
    She was in a dark place with a dense white fog . There was no door nor window , nor any means of lighting that widen your field of vision . Lauren was not alone , that she knew very well. One could feel a presence around hostile and strange .
  A figure approached and stood a few steps away . His face was covered with a black mask and he made ​​the girl shiver with cold and fear .
- I will not hurt you . Lauren , how did you find your way to my mind ?
- Dylan ?
  He took off his mask , revealing the same blue eyes and the same crooked smile she loved so much . Dylan approached her and cradled her in his arms to relieve the pain he felt for abandoning all that was important .
- Why did you leave ? We are all dying to meet you.
  The boy was silent and the atmosphere began to get uncomfortable . Dylan was hiding something important , that Lauren knew well . To look at him again, something had changed . The girl's legs were numb and the boy was away from her , with the icy gaze , as if that nice guy who was with her for a few seconds he was dead .
- I told you to never find me. I told you to stay away from me . No longer was enough snow and ice hurt your skin ?
- How do you know ?
- Why was I who did everything related to cold hurt you .
   Lauren 's eyes widened . As it would be capable of such cruelty to her? What had happened to the attentive and cheerful Dylan Price? Who was that heartless man who stood before her ?
  Everything was disappearing from sight of it and the image of his childhood friend is distorted as the fog disappeared from that place . Without knowing where a female voice said to her:
- You will not have the beautiful blue-eyed prince again.
  Something blocked her vision and she fell into darkness .
❅ ❅ ❅
- Lauren ! Wake up, my daughter !
  She was sweating despite the cold and his hands , as his voice was trembling . His heart was racing and a great extra dose of adrenaline coursed through his veins .
- Dylan . That woman . I have to ... Dylan is running pergio !
  Her father , Vincent Gray , took her by the shoulders and sat on the edge of the couch where she lay .
- My daughter was just a dream . Do not know where Dylan is and if he is alive , nothing bad can happen to him . He is a responsible kid and knows how to take care of. I'm sure he would not want to see her in this state .
- Father , believe me ! I saw ! Dylan was not as always , he was aggressive and aloof . And the voice , the woman has something to do with it .
- What voice ? What woman ? Lauren , please stop it .
- She said ' You will not have the beautiful blue-eyed prince again. ' . That's it! Dylan is in a place where only the aristocrats may be . And as there is more castles here in town, he can only be in the forest .
- Wait a minute , young lady . You will NOT get out for nothing , you know?
- But Dad , it's an emergency .
  Vincent sighed and looked deep into her eyes , saying slowly and firmly :
- Will you. . Stay. Here . Get it?
- Yes, I'm sorry for that. I think I let myself influence .
- It's okay , little daughter .
  Lauren was not at all convinced that it was not actually real. She felt as if everything was agreed and this would not be so. The girl discover where Dylan is and bring her back .

Thursday, September 12, 2013

❅ gσ αωαy ƒяσм тнє sησω αη∂ ıcє ... gσ αωαy ƒяσм мє ❅

  It all started on a winter in northern Canada . Two young fifteen years attending the first year of high school . The boy 's name was Dylan Price. He was one of more students applied for the whole school and by far the most adored by girls . Blue eyes , black hair slightly disheveled, a gentle smile and impeccable posture stood out anywhere.
  But there was someone who saw the qualities of Dylan as well as all who knew him . It was a girl with long brown hair , eyes the color of almonds, thick lashes and pink lips . If called Lauren Gray .
  Young people were childhood friends and signs of union by fate . They were born in the same year , on the same day in the same month and at the same time but in different places . He was born in London and she was a native of Whistler , a place where Dylan moved to three years old . Were neighbors for over ten years , always studied in the same school since nowadays and like any friendship, they had their ups and downs .
❅ ❅ ❅
  But it does not matter , what matters is their sixteenth birthday , that was the day that it snowed more during that time . The Gray and Price celebrated together over a year of their life and hoping to not end this friendship .
  While parents celebrated , Dylan and Lauren escaped to the backyard of the house at the bottom of Price. Made a short snowball fight and then the boy, who was hiding something in his jacket , stood before Lauren and handed her a jewelry box . Overjoyed , the girl opened the box , revealing a ring of crystals that were shaped like snowflakes .
- Lauren , you would ...
- Yes ! That's all I want!
  If they knew what was hidden in the future , everything would be different and this day would have never happened . But one can not delay urgent nor predict what is not expected . And a kiss inoceente amid the snow made ​​everything change .
  Thunder rumbled over the heads of teens and the snow had become stronger and thicker , making it impossible to stay there. The temperature fell further , making Lauren tremble. Dylan , noticing the cold of his beloved , he gave up his coat and put it on her. The girl tried to pull him in, but it was useless . The boy did not move and the only thing he did was pull her to him , hugging her tenderly and whispered with sadness and pain in the ear of Lauren .
- Go inside and promise you will not come back here . Never again . I. .. Well .. Go away snow and ice ... Go away from me and I do not look . I'm sorry for making you suffer, if I did, I swear that everything would have been different . I love you very much .
- Dylan ...
  He was no longer there . There were no footprints in the snow and no sign that he was there. There was nothing except for a shining object from the snow . It was a chain with two snowflakes are alike . Were transparent , but with blue accents . She cried , kneeling in the snow . Dylan off suddenly without saying anything and without saying goodbye . What happened to him ? Where would he go? And he told her to stay away from the snow and ice ?
  The last question had a quick answer . As she rose from the ground , the snow that touched her skin leaving painful sores and deep , as if they were eating away at her skin . Even the pain that caused her the ice was still less than the pain she felt about losing Dylan Price, your friend and your love.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

❅ ƒяσzєη ❅

sσмєтıмєs, тнє тяυє cнαłłєηgєs αяє нı∂є ıη тнє sησω

In the Middle of the Night

XVIII. єτєrทαℓ gσσ∂вyє - α ℓσsτ αทgєℓ

  Hear the voice of Koichi when I felt the blood on my hands Erick . He was on the floor with the sword stuck in the base of the neck , completely deprived of eternal life.
  It was at that moment that everything changed forever in my life . The moment of choice came and my sentence was given forever. I could not go back from my word , but I know I did what was right . Erick was just forever and everything would return to normal . I never thought that I would choose to be with vampires and rule the heart of darkness , but in the end I climbed the destination for this place .
- What did you do ? Please do not tell me you chose ...
- I'm sorry . - My eyes stung with tears that insisted on escaping .
- It's okay . You did what was right .
  Koichi cradled me in her arms and I buried my face in his shoulder . Even though he was not angry with me , I could not face him directly. I did this for an entire race that was impaired , but deep down I never wanted to stay here . My greatest wish was to stay in the world of archangels and forget this my bloodthirsty side forever, but in the end , everything was upside down. Everything I did not want to become my duty and my dreams were ripped out of me mercilessly . Worse still , I would be alone for eternity .
  ' Thank you for having sacrficado for us Shizukka . ' I heard Blake say , but this made ​​me happy . I was clinging to Koichi , with no intention of releasing it .
- It's okay , sweetheart. Despite all this I still will love you . Always .
- But our bond is broken and what I wanted was exactly opoto that everything that is happening .
  Koichi patted my back gently and brought me closer.
- Looks like a sweet angel has already been lost . Anyway , we will always be united by a bond of blood.
  I looked up , surprised he said that. Do something different was happening to me ? Yes, it was . I looked at my reflection through the eyes of Koichi and saw that my hair was black , my skin was pale , almost transparent and my eyes were brown . Had long, sharp fangs in my mouth . I tried to open my wings , but they were gone and I felt a twinge of pain where they were. Scoured the fingers on my back and felt two scars on straight lines in the place where my wings should be.
  Koichi cupped my chin and kissed my forehead at length , followed by a hug that I wished would never end. His eyes were with tears he was fighting to control .
- Well .. Our ties end here . I know you will be a great ruler . Goodbye .
- Goodbye , Koichi . - My tears disappeared and more depressed as I was, they were not streamed from my eyes , and even gave sign that they were inside my body . - I 'll miss you . Really.
- I know, my love . We will meet again in a place of our own, where no one can get more . I'll be waiting for eternity .

  Koichi and archangels gone forever. I stood there , motionless , just watching the departure of beings to which I would never join me . Now I was a vampire forever and my angelic side entirely gone . I know that despite all care for vampires was the best thing to do . Blake wanted to be here and I will do so with pleasure and honor for all who have been and all that remain.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

XVII. τiмє τσ cнσσsє: vαмρirє σr αทgєℓ´s ωσr∂?

   I got lost several times on the way back to the heart of darkness . It was colder than usual , and my wings were shaking , but I did not let myself be intimidated. Continued advancing decided I wanted revenge. They say that revenge is not the best medicine for anything, however what Erick did was unforgivable and if I remember well what Blake told me , the vampire law was unique and simple : eye for eye, tooth for tooth, evil for evil or the most famous law of return or action and reaction .
  The gates were open and there was blood and flames everywhere . I heard some vampires running through the forest of dry trees and followed some footprints that did not lead to the castle , but for another side unknown to me until then. Nothing indicated to me that they were the footsteps of Erick , but I decided to move on. Strides were of men's boots and left a trail of perfume that smelled of dried flowers with a rainy day .

  I continued following the tracks and I came across a black arrow with the golden tip . The arrow was broken in half and was stained with blood . There was a blood red as it is used . It was a violet pigment , almost black . I felt a chill run down my spine and my body stiffened automatically. A large dose of adrenaline was thrown through my veins and I started running , still on the trail of the person who had been struck by the arrow .
  I ran for a few yards and saw a figure pass quickly for me . My body froze and I hid behind one of the trees that were twisted by the way . There was only one person . There were three men and were armed . The first two were of average height and average high and the latter was lower than the others .
- He went to Northwestern . We can not lose sight of him .
  That voice was familiar and it was like an injection of sedatives . When I realized it was Koichi and angels auxiliary could relax a little . Gradually I was coming out of my hiding place and saw a black smudge on me and only processed the information when I felt a twinge of sharp weapon in my throat and a foot on my stomach . Then I realized that I was on the floor . How I got there I did not the faintest idea , but I felt a great fright. Erick was there and certainly would kill me without mercy .
- Sakiko ? - Another deep voice , but melodious sparked my memory .
- Zane ! Me !
- Sorry . - He offered to help me to get up - I thought it was Erick ... Wait a minute - he arched an eyebrow - what are you doing here ? Koichi said that you were taking care of Blake .
- Blake is not among the living . Erick because he ... Him .. Well , you got it .
- I'm sorry . Koichi not vain like anything.
  Not knowing where to go , because the footprints were gone , I decided to follow Zane , who was embranhando further in the woods lifeless. The trees were higher , but had no leaves and the stem deeply scratched . I wondered what kind of animal could survive here , since vampires walked into disrepair. I sighed . I did not know what to do now , because the weight of the world decide on which I should be weighed further on my back . From the beginning , I had chosen to go with Koichi to the realm of archangels , but now everything was confused and I was not sure of anything anymore . A lump formed in my throat , but I tried to swallow it all at once , without noticing Zane .
  When I realized he was no longer on my side . I looked in all directions and saw that Zane was chasing Erick . They were about 80 yards away and I could not reach them . What I had left was to follow the traces they left behind . After a while of walking, I arrived at the castle of Kawazaki . There was an uphill battle there, but I could not see Erick . I saw that Koichi was fighting one of the soldiers , as Thomas and I saw that Zane was having a hard job fighting a soldier who had at least 15 centímetos and about 25 pounds heavier than him.
  I felt useless in the middle of all this war , but soon realized there were more angels over there as reinforcement . They were in many ways and were completely away from that classic version of curly hair the color of gold and blue eyes transboradavam innocence. I saw some black hair , scarlet eyes , gray hair and eyes of two colors : one blue and one violet. Some were tall and extremely thin , others were low but endowed with muscles . And do not stop there . There were many more and if I get one describing each lose the course of history .
  Well, even with all that reinforcement, caught a two-bladed sword and decided to help my brother .
- What are you doing here ?
- Blake is no longer with us and I came here to avenge him .
- I understand . But know that I will not be able to play your guardian angel now , so take care. And this view .
  Koichi gave me gloves and a gray overcoat , which by the way was very heavy . Vesti reluctantly and plunged into battle, but I was drawn by a shadow I saw clearly that it was Erick . I left and started to chase him to the back of the castle.
- Finally alone , Sakiko .
  I prepared to fight , but he did not show any sign of who would attack . Erick raised both hands in the air as a sign of surrender , but I did not believe him .
- We can make an exchange . - He said , finally - If you choose the side of the vampires , I can bring Blake back here and I'll disappear forever.
- Blake can not come back to life . If you think you can fool me , know that I know your tricks . Even if true , I'd rather regret not having believed .
- I see that your love for him is not that big . If he were in your shoes , I'm sure he would have chosen this place to have you back . He even told me that.
- Bullshit !
  I was tired of hearing all this cascade of falsehood and deceit . I held the sword firmly and lunged Erick , causing a scratch on his face . He did not move , just stared at the sword , waiting for me to attack him again.
- Go ahead . I'm already in poor condition to continue fighting. Koichi and archangels drained more than half of my energy . Kill me if you want . But know that you will lose the only way to know how to bring Blake back.
  My hands were shaking , but I did not hesitate to drop the sword. I stood in place , trying to think what to do . Soon came the classic dilemma that we all know : to kill or not to kill, that is the question .
' That's a lie . It is a sad reality , we can no longer live in the same plane . Kill him while he thinks you will retreat . Do not waste this unique opportunity . A blow to the throat is all you need now . The archangels have done some of the work , now you left to finish it . ' . Blake 's voice echoed in my head as if he were beside me .
  I closed my eyes and lifted my sword. My legs directed forward and full speed . " This is for all who died in vain because of greed Erick Kawazaki . This is also for my brother Blake had a painful death ."
- For all vampires still left , I choose to be part of this world and put everything in its proper place . For my father and my brother .
- Shizukka !

Monday, September 9, 2013

XVI. iท τнє мi∂∂ℓє σƒ τнє ทigнτ

  Blake came in front of me , holding a silver sword . Erick 's eyes were fixed on me and I saw them fill with anger.
- Damn you , Sakiko . His brothers will not protect you forever. I'll kill you for trying to deceive me .
- Not while we're here , Erick .
  Koichi came through the window accompanied by Kei . Erick was even more angry and advanced on Blake , who pushed me toward the door , ordering me to run as fast as possible , without looking back . I hesitated and when I saw Kei was kneeling on the floor in front of me with an arrow in his chest .
 Suddenly , I was no longer with clothes Luka . I was with my usual clothes and found myself running through the mansion hoping to find the exit, but saw only flames downstairs. I had no way out of that place . I went up , terrified , trying to open the windows to escape , but they yielded and glasses nor broke . The flames were coming near me and I was trapped until someone grabbed me by the waist and passed through one of the windows , smashing the windows of diamonds and both collapsed on the floor.
- Blake ! Blake !
  He was with his face covered in blood and with the black overcoat totally destroyed . His arms were with burn marks and he was unconscious . I grabbed his wrist and saw that it was weak heartbeat . Could carry it on my back to the gates , which were locked .
  I was exhausted and I put my brother, who was still unconscious on the cold floor and infertile.
- Blake , please , you can not end well . Chord. You can do this , I know . I forgive you for everything , but please come back . I do not want to live without hearing their groans and see their faces .
  I took a handkerchief that was in my pocket and wiped his face carefully .
- What happened to him ?
- Koichi ?
- What happened to Blake ?
- He saved me from breaking the window of the mansion and he is unconscious , I think it was because of the fall .
- No. Blake is too tough for that.
- And what happened to Erick ?
- He's gone. Thomas and Zane were behind him. We have to get you two out of here , and fast.

  Koichi hung my other brother on his shoulders and took my hand . I spread my wings and follow to the end of that darkness , where there was a forest far away from my home .
- Stay here and take care of him , please.
  I have not had time to protest . Koichi disappeared , leaving Blake to my care . He had his head on my lap and the blood still trickled down his face . Carefully examined the place where the blood was coming and saw a deep gash just above his forehead . I could not heal him .
- Shizukka ...
- Blake !
  He took my hand and placed it near his face . His breathing was increasingly compromised and was getting colder . Was still losing blood and I did not know what to do . Blake coughed a few times and closed his eyes .
- I'm fine . - He replied hoarsely . - Just want you to forgive me for this betrayal and all these problems .
- Everyone has a weakness and it is normal we let ourselves be influenced by it . It's okay .
 Blake smiled and opened his eyes a little and held my face .
- Glad to hear that ... I want to tell you something ... I. .. I love you , Shizukka . All the bickering and rudeness were to protect you.
  That was the day I finally blew my lips to Blake . That was our first and last kiss . When we let go , he was still fechaods eyes . The breathing was imperceptible and heartbeat was slower than normal . I tried to tell his heart , but his heart stopped beating .
- Blake ... My brother ... Erick will pay for it . I will avenge his death .
  The necklace he gave me suddenly disappeared and came into the hands of the body of my brother . Leaned his body on a tree and follow the path into the heart of darkness . Koichi would punish me for it, but I was not bothering . Spread my wings and flew for the final battle . Tears streamed from my eyes , a mixture of pain and hatred with desire for revenge .

 I do this for Blake , the vampire and me. This will not stand .