Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
© rights to the owner

Saturday, July 19, 2014

∞ XIV. Away

  Today was the day that the test was done and therefore the day that I would definitely go for my real home and all - or nearly all - the truth would be revealed. However, I did not know when Blake would come to talk with my foster family. 
 My cell phone rang. It was him. 
- I'm with the test at hand. 
- And have you opened? 
- Not yet. I'll let you do it. I'm sure the result. Do not know when I'll be able to find you, but I think this afternoon I appear. 
- OK. I'll be waiting. 
 Blake hung up. I really wanted to see the result and be absolutely sure that I belong to that family. Anyway, if it changed me is because I actually have the same blood him. 
 I kept the phone in my purse when I heard the sound of a car coming at high speed towards me. I hurried to finish the journey, but there was no time; I just remember my body being thrown before hit my head on the asphalt and my vision darken. 

- This is absurd! How do you get it? 
- It does not matter, but here's the result. She does not belong to this family. She belongs to Walker. 
- You're lying! My daughter never would accompany a stranger to make an examination of these! 
 I knew those voices, but my head hurt too much so I could think was that whole mess. I was opening my eyes slowly and saw that I was in the house of my foster parents room. 
- Come back here! I did not give you permission to enter my house like that! 
 The bedroom door opened. 
- Blake! 
- You nearly scared me to death, my little girl. Hurt? 
- I think not. But, what's happening? 
- The truth is not accepted by all. 
- So that means ... 
- See for yourself. 
 He handed me the exam, which was no longer sealed and I knew why. I unfolded the paper quickly, like a bandage and saw the result. Yes, I was Seiko Walker. 
- Welcome, my little princess. 
 He gave me a warm hug and I returned, perhaps a little awkward for not wanting it to end. 
- Seiko! What are you doing? Do not tell me you know? 
 My foster mother was in the doorway, covered with expression of horror and disapproval. 
- Yes, he is my older brother. 
 Her expression was worse than before. 
- You followed him for this exam? 
 I nodded. 
- I did not seem to me a bit about you and wanted to know why. 
 She did not answer. Surely this fact was something undeniable, but she would not accept. I could see it clearly. 
- Blood Never mind, Mrs. Evans. 
- You betrayed your family! - She ignored what Blake had said and threw me a glare completely - If someone uses every artifice to look more like you and say that you do not belong to this family you believe? Great, now it's YOUR big brother, take what is yours and go away from this home! I hope the other to occupy this place is more faithful than you. 
 I did not feel upset because she was driving me home. That was not my house and she was not my mother, so what she said was not able to reach me. Blake helped me get out of bed and I put my clothes and all my belongings in suitcases. Definitely, I would never see this place. 
- You want to say goodbye to someone? 
- No. If I'm considered a traitor, then they will not do me no foul. What matters to me is that I'm going to my true home. 
- So let. 
 I saw my adoptive parents looking out the window when the car was moving away from Blake. If that's what they thought, so would be happy with the exchange. Each species would be in place.

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