Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
© rights to the owner

Sunday, April 20, 2014

♙XIX. вℓσσ∂ тιє

- James ! Why the hell did you come here alone ? You know how much I had to look for you ?
- I am old enough to take care of me , Seth . Well , we did not come here to discuss it , we have to stop a wedding .
  The laughter of a third person echoed through the hall and the hunters saw a shadow in the doorway , blocking their passage .
- You're not going anywhere. Will wait right here until marriage and then maybe finish my new queen let me retalhe you.
  They prepared their weapons and pointed to Belial , who had not moved from where he was .
- I think our teacher is making the biggest mistake of his life .
  Astaroth was leaning against the wall with arms crossed displeased air, but gave no attention to the hunters that were there.
- He must have his reasons for doing so .
- You are right . If you look better , all those other surely would give us a lot of headaches .
  The sound of a lyre interrupted the conversation of demons , making they joined the crowd that was on the outside of the house waiting for the much anticipated wedding of Leviathan .
  James and Seth went to join the others , but a hand grasps a shoulder them .
- Come with me . If you still want to recover the girl the time is now .

  After so much time arguing with Isabella , the hunter had the opportunity to wear a less flashy thing that was expected data . Blythe was a black Victorian dress with silver accents and a few that covered the symbol of the Trinity that she wore around her neck. On his feet were boots low boots with little heels , as she knew not walk very well on a bigger jump than 5 inches . Black hair and were naturally loose sustaining only a tiara of crystals .
  Leviathan was ready and waiting for the girl in front of her room to take her to the main balcony , where the wedding would take place .
- Why he can use his casual clothes and I do not ? - She replied to Isabella .
- Because you are the bride and subjects need to have a good impression about you.
- Your mother is right - Leviathan Interrupted - The fact that you be a demon hunter is not exactly a point in its favor .
  Blythe sighed and gave his arm to Leviathan , which led quietly to the view of the subjects , who bowed deeply before the figure of the prince and remained silent .
  The girl looked at length for each one until his eyes fell on two clearly familiar people . She looked at Leviathan , who did not return the gesture , it was focused on another distant point .
- That our Queen has all eternity ahead.
  Satan appeared to perform the ceremony and began with the first greetings. Blythe and Leviathan came face - to-face , one looking into the eyes of another. The subjects were apprehensive and delighted , for it was not often a marriage of nobility happen.
- Are you sure of your choice , Leviathan ?
- This will be my favorite forever.
  These words made the girls low growl of frustration .
- Are you sure of your choice , young hunter ?
  Blythe hesitated , but now that was there could not give away the Emperor of Hell before all subjects . Moreover , he had assured that nothing would happen to the members of the Trinity and to humans.
- My trust in him is eternal .
  Isabella gave a slight smile, but it did not serve any consolation nor incentive .
  Satan held his wrist and Leviathan , with a silver dagger , made ​​a cut on the boy , leaving a portion of his blood drain until you reach one of the two silver chalices that were on a tray . Blythe imagine the pain he must be feeling the depth of the injury , but saw that the wound was beginning to heal and felt a cold hand gripping his left wrist . She dared not look at the dagger cutting his skin, so he kept an eye on Leviathan , which hissed something like ' have finished ' and looked at her wrist . The hunter followed his gaze and saw that the cut was finishing heal.
  A chalice was handed to her and which contained the scarlet blood of Leviathan , as the cup that had her blood was delivered to the devil . They crossed the looks and she saw that he was carrying the cup to his lips . Blythe knew I had to do the same , but felt nauseous at the thought , even seeing that little would have to drink . Took one last look at him , he was already drinking the contents of the cup and took a deep breath , feeling the blood of the Leviathan down her throat . Initially , she felt a bitter taste , but that was becoming sweet as they reached the end .
  Both landed the cups back on the tray and returned to face . Leviathan 's eyes widened slightly and looked at Satan , who followed his gaze and nephew also was surprised .
  Her eyes were the scarlet and his pupils as a feline .
- This will be our eternal queen and right arm of our emperor . The ancient hunter is now dead and the ashes rises a new bright star .

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