Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
© rights to the owner

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

➋➊ Guilty

  My sister dropped dead a few feet away from me in a pool of her own blood. Siegfried laughed uproariously , as if he had just witnessed something comical. I went towards her and knelt , turning her body to pull a knife . I looked closely at the stained with the blood of pure object Dawn and I clearly saw that the knife was not mine. I was sure of it , of course, since my stock of knives had ended when I hit her leg . However , I could not see the real killer. I know I could not be Siegfried , for he was too interested in a glass of wine to do something. I wiped her face with a clean part of the coat she carried and bent down until our foreheads touched . She was cold and pale as a corpse should be. Do not let me cry , because I know that it would stain even more death and I did not want that . I myself destroy a legacy that took years to build with my betrayal and not want to do anything to harm anyone .
  I stood up , with my boots and a big part of enxarcados pants with the blood of Dawn and looked at my ancestor , who was drying a tear with laughter with the disaster that just happened . Being a soldier , could not summon it and even drive him off to a reprimand and so I kept my mouth shut all the time . When he became serious again , started to speak, but soon realized he was not saying that to me .
- Did a good job , Anne . Caused her to die thinking it was him.
  Anne , the maid who led my sister to be filthy claws that unfair and out of the shadows behind me and stood close enough for me to hold him by the throat . So I did , but she did not outline any reaction like you're already expecting it . However , she lost her seriously and began to struggle on my hands shook when that faint and pale neck . Soon they were able to hear his vertebrae breaking and blurted , regardless of me for taking her life , since she stole the life of my sister and I did think that was the culprit . I returned the rest of my rancor for Siegfried , who was staring at the body of one baby who was left to me . I grabbed a knife from the floor and shot at him , which ended up with a cut a few millimeters below the eye.
- I understand your anger, but need not have killed my maid . It was useful after all and did exactly what I sent . Besides, I was already boring to see you two running from one side to the other for fear of attack . - He grimaced .
- You what ? Damn , you said you will do nothing !
- And I didn't. It was Anne who did. - Before I could answer he raised a finger so I silenced me - and as I am a man of my word , you will be free here and the power of the Dark Blade ...
  That no longer mattered to me most , however , my sister gave her soul so I could leave the bondage of the devil . Before I could pull me out of that room, he continued to speak .
- ... If you can kill me .
  I was petrified in place and turned his head slowly to be able to face him . That was not part of the deal he made , however , know that he is a being who makes the smallest details remain unspecified for him . My eyes widened at the sight right there , live and in color , Siegfried take the Dark Blade into the Dawn's body .

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