Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
© rights to the owner

Friday, January 24, 2014

『XX. Cold Blooded』

The tension was evident in Blair and the other companions , who were bound by silver chains . Richard tried to hide the smile of satisfaction on his face , he seemed more impossible. The vampire was fully satisfied and had the victory ahead of time.
- Let's get on with it .
  Cameron filed totally apathetic and bored expression, but Richard 's smile has not changed . Blair gulped because finally realized what kind of show her uncle was preparing . She pulled away to try to divert but Cameron was extremely ruthless with it . Each attack was done with extreme coldness and cruelty, since they were cousins ​​and indirectly shared the same blood .
- Are you afraid? Where is your courage now?
  Blair was about to be asphyxiated . Cameron grabbed by the throat and squeezed slowly , for she felt despair and pain so that the satisfazesse .

  Scarlet went to the room of Benjamin .
- What do you want ?
- Richard sent me to take you to another place . Is an interesting event happening and he insists that you attend .
- There is nothing that I deem interesting in routine Richard . Can get out of here .
- I'm sorry but I will not leave.
  Benjamin sighed deeply and got out of bed to follow the girl . He did not know all of Richard 's mansion , so had no idea where they were going.
  As we climbed, Benjamin heard laughter and painful growls and the smell of blood came to his nostrils . Scarlet stopped in his tracks when he saw past her shot on the right track and resumed his former duties .

  The girl landed a kick to the chest and Cameron fell the floor kneeling , breathlessly . He staggered away , but composed himself quickly and with green eyes flashing with anger and resentment .
- You will pay for it , girl .
  Blair stood up , reeling from lack of oxygen . His vision was blurred and his weak legs , but Cameron felt no pity on her . Richard was amused by the scene as Hannah tried to get loose from the chains .
- Damn ! Richard , now even stop it!
- Are you kidding ? Never had so much fun in my life .
  Cameron was blinded by rage and attacked the press without thinking what I was doing . Blair could see his weakness , but had no silver to attack him . The powers of Benjamin were disappearing because of the blood she lost .
  On the last throw, a shadow appears and Cameron has the right side of her bruised face . Richard was furious and walked beside her son .
- What does that mean ?
- This is my question . You will not use my daughter for your entertainment .
- Always killjoy , not Benjamin ? Well , I do not care anymore, all have realized that Cameron is better able to take control of it . Blair is weak .
- The force is often unnecessary , brother.
  Richard laughed as much as the statement by the memory that filled his memory .
- Said the man who lost his throne . Accept , Benjamin , kindness prompted you to the bottom .
- I will not argue with you.
- Excellent .
- Father !
  Richard jumped on  Benjamin and they both landed on the white floor feverishly , such that no one could separate them . Blair pulled back and released Duke , Hannah and Joseph before Cameron could stop her . The girl's mother was horrified at the puddle of blood that grew every blow them . Duke and Cameron managed to separate them . Richard was with some scratches and the lower lip cut , however , was Benjamin 's clothes drenched in blood , so that no one could discriminate if it was his own or the enemy and was silver with a knife buried in his left arm . Blair could not believe what I was seeing and growled , advancing on Richard , however , Cameron prevented .
- I've had enough .
- Cameron ! Get back here!
- You do not see how this is ridiculous People of the same blood by killing a throne ! Would not it be easier for everyone to have their own empire ?
- Cameron Paker , do not tell me you're against me .
- I'm not in favor of anyone or against anyone , just got tired of being his pawn . If you want to continue with this stupid act , do it without me .
  Richard was even angrier than he already was , but allowed his son disappeared from coverage. All were stunned by the decision of Cameron , but did not declare anything, after all, that pain could be greater than your own son abandon you ?

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