Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

10- Matenal Protection

 The girl had been delighted to see the little miracle that was born of her. It was a beautiful baby, like the others who had been born. But for Tenseiga, that baby was the most beautiful and wonderful of all, because after all it was the end result of the love he had with Sesshoumaru.
- You gave me the most beautiful and sweet gift of all, my lord, if not how can I repay for it. I am forever grateful and happy.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Really, the boy was charming: it had silver hair like those of Sesshoumaru and eyes like Tenseiga, purple in color. As Inukimi said the boy blended the features of the couple, making evident the real mark of Arioto it. As the only son of Tenseiga, the girl became too overprotective with him and not let him out alone to go somewhere, fearing that the boy got hurt or got sick. Conutdo, the youkai never been a big proibidor regarding early experiences of his children because he knew one day they would be injured or would get sick regardless of all the protection they had.
 Initially, Kenshin was happy to receive as much protection from his mother, though the years passed and he felt stifled by excessive affection Tenseiga. Just had a chance to get out of the castle with his brothers when Tenseiga was absent or when he was under the tutelage of Sesshoumaru, who freed surveillance when it was certain that they were out of sight of the protective mother.
 This created a gande bond between father and son, for when Kenshin wanted to stroll through the village or castle redondezass, Sesshoumaru provided cover for him. When Tenseiga discovered leaks boy who was supported by her father, she was nervous and tried to strengthen their guard lest he become to do the same, but the youkai always broke the protectionist of Tenseiga.

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