Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
© rights to the owner

Monday, March 4, 2013

09- Kenshin

 After that beautiful night Tenseiga had with her master, she began to feel the consequences still in the morning the other day, when she felt sick and indiposta. Sesshoumaru knew those symptoms and soon realized that a new born heir. She was so happy, but wanted the mother of that child was Kiara. Again forgetting the sensitivity and the strong bond he had with Tenseiga, he left dominate the deepest thoughts regarding Kiara, which again hurt Tenseiga. The girl felt guilty for giving him the body that night, because she realized that Sesshomaru might be sorry.
- Are you okay? Still feeling queasy?
- No, I'm better. Sorry about that.
 Sesshoumaru deeply analyzed the expression of her face and in her soul realized that there was much sadness for his reaction due to the discomfort it that morning. He tried to redeem himself by making him look kind of like last night and depositing a warm kiss on the belly and long Tenseiga.
- If so that means my plan funcioonou - he replied, smiling at her. - I always wanted to reward you for your loyalty, your understanding and your love. Now I had the chance.
 The girl was still looking at him, confused by the change of behavior of her lord. However, he realized the purest sincerity in his voice and smiled in response, touching his face with care.
- Do not be afraid to touch me, starting today you hold office Kiara as queen and my wife. Understand that last night was like our wedding night, so there's no regret or guilt for what happened yesterday. Face it normally because it was the first of many nights to come.
Her eyes lit up with joy and hope to hear those words she longed to hear him. Sesshoumaru realized that she was happy and covered so that the young rested quietly.
 It took months, one month, two months, three months, until it came to the world's first child Tenseiga, who was born by the skilled hands of Inukimi.
- I am pleased that estaja resuming life with another person, Sesshoumaru. It's a beautiful boy and reminds you very Tenseiga and, as Kaname gets your appearance with Kiara. As the boy will be called?
- Kenshin Arioto.

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