Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
© rights to the owner

Friday, October 17, 2014

✗ Nine

  Kira had not yet returned from work and it made Raven in peace. Anyway, she still was not totally at peace, because every time she looked at the book, she remembered every word printed on it and could not shake the idea that Axel Slade could be involved in this somehow. 
   The bell rang. 
- How did you find my house? 
- Students who live here know each other. 
   Raven opened the way for him to enter. 
- Finished reading? 
- Yes. 
- And what did you think? 
   Raven closed the door and stood in front of him. 
- Axel, you are the prince of that book? And that girl who died to save you is part of my family? 
   Axel was in siêncio in principle, meditating on what should answer first. 
- Yes, Natassia Daewron part of your family. She was the only one who did not become mundane like you. 
- What do you mean? 
- I am the prince of that book. I killed my father, I was chained and hated by all the people of my kingdom, and now I'm here thanks to Natassia Daewron. 
- You can not be the guy that book. According to dates, it all happened for over four hundred years. You should be ... 
- Dead? Yes, I should, but I'm not. 
- Axel, if this is a kind of joke, I'm not liking. 
- You do not want to know everything? Now the truth is in front of you, why do not you want to see it? 
   He took off his shirt, revealing scars marks thick chains throughout the body, proving to all that was written in that book. Axel really was Prince turquoise eyes that had been condemned by his own father for something that nobody knew. 
- It must have been painful. 
- When you get used to it, the pain disappears. 
- But what about your eyes? They are not the turquoise color as described in the book. His eyes are brown. 
   Axel found a pin in his pocket and jabbed his finger Raven. She, paralyzed with fear, let the boy put her finger on his lips. Soon, she felt two pointy things sticking her finger again, but the girl did not dare look away from the eyes of Axel, who were leaving the brown tone to become turquoise, as it was written. 
- Can not be ... You're ... 
- A monster? A demon? Yes, I am. Because of my dad, turned into a creature that survives on the blood of others. 
- Then Natassia was also ... a vampire? 
- Yes. Her blood was the first one I tasted. 
- So everyone born after her are vampires too? 
-. No. She was a special case, but his entire lineage is human. 
   Raven did not know would not go through all this a crazy or cry because he felt it was all true. There was no space for special effects in her house and she knew when someone was lying and identify when someone was telling the truth. And Axel was clearly telling the truth. 
- Why do you tell me this? 
- For three reasons: first, because you wanted to know about me. The second, because you are a descendant of Natassa and I highly doubt anyone knows this story. And the third reason is because you are my Bloodluster. 
- What is a Bloodluster? 
- Is a person who has the target to serve a noble vampire. The act of serving this vampire is based on the simple fact of Bloodluster give their blood to quench the thirst of the master until the death. No other blood is so precious to a noble vampire as blood Bloodluster. 
- So you're saying I'm nothing more nor less than your source of food for the rest of my life? 
- You are not just a source of food for me. You are what keeps me alive, is what I'm most precious. A noble vampire Bloodluster must protect at all costs, even if that means dying. 
   For a moment, Raven looked at her finger, which was drilled by his prey, but he was completely healed; even the pin hole was not there. Axel followed her gaze. 
- The tusks of the master never leave marks on a Bloodluster and any injury you may have my fangs are able to heal. You are one of the few people who have that luxury. 
- I would not say it is a luxury. 
   Axel smiled. 
- You will receive protection, love and care and not get sick over the rest of your life just to give your blood. Yes, this is a luxury. Some Bloodlusters can reach the hearts of their masters to eventually become immortal. 
- You're talking about marriage? 
- Yes. But do not be so confident, I can just use you for food as well as Leah used all this time. 
- Who is Leah? 
- A half-breed renegade who met by chance. She helped me put an end to the kingdom of my father without that call attention to the vampires. She is my accomplice, we may say so. But returning to the subject, if you are a good Bloodluster, I can think about the possibility to grant you immortality. 
- I do not accept being told that their Bloodluster. 
- Okay - Axel stroked her face gently - you have a day and a half to think about it. And do not forget to keep a secret of it all. 
   Axel faded, but Raven still felt his touch on her face burning, as if it were burning her skin. As much as the fact receive many benefits for giving so little was tempting, she still feared the boy's behavior. Raven did not know if he blamed himself for having been born in that family or blamed Natassia Daewron for all this.

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