Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
© rights to the owner

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

【I. Ghost】

- And you think everything will be fine ?
- Sure. No one saw what happened .
- What about that guys?
- Do not worry about it. Everything is under control .
  Sienna had her doubts about it . As much as she had gotten rid of witnesses and the person who was stalking her , the fact that taking the life of harmless humans who were just looking for a baseball was cruel . However , that was her life or theirs .
- Hey , wake up !
- I was thinking .
- Thinking about what?
- In anything important .
- I have to go . Take care of yourself .
  Lewis , a demon of red hair and cat eyes in dark blue color let the girl alone sitting on the branch of the tallest tree . He knew her since she became what it was and since then were not exactly friends , but one kept company to the other . They were like brothers .
  The girl was there, but he was strolling through the woods . Sienna was shaken by the deaths he caused were the night before , but there was nothing else to do .
  But there was that boy ... Yes , those blue eyes and brown hair highlighted them. But there was something else in it . The shade of blue tinged line of his life was something fascinating and unique . That line could not be broken anytime soon. Maybe he could have been helpful in some way to help her get rid of the situation he was in, but it was over.
- You can no other safer place , girl?
- I'm tired of you .
- It is unfortunate . Because this has become an interesting hobby .
  Sienna hastened to fade away, but her tormentor would not give up so easily . The branches of the trees were good supporters, but she was not fast enough to face it . The only way to get rid of it was to let be killed . Or leave what she had so important in the custody of someone who was unknown to him.

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