Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
© rights to the owner

Sunday, May 4, 2014

∞ Ƭhirteen

  When I entered my room after dinner , Aiden was already waiting for me , reading the paper that Cloud had given me before leaving the restaurant. After I close the door, he got up from my bed and came towards me with open arms . I did not need any more signal to me that I cuddle them . He rested his forehead on mine.
- Well , we have two issues to deal with .
- What are they?
- The first is that you were a good girl and did not act differently than usual and I promised to reward him .
  I did not need to ask anything, because his lips were on mine seconds later . I actually remembered that feeling and had increasingly sure that we had something special and infinite . We parted and I saw that both he and I was rapt and passionate expression .
- And the second thing ? - Asked .
- Well .. - he started, I again seriously - Cloud was at the restaurant , is not it?
- Yes, and he gave me this. - Pointed to the role that was in the hands of Aiden .
- And what did he say ?
- Said if I change my mind about him join the revolution, should call the number that was on paper .
  He was silent for a while , carefully analyzing the number on paper .
- And what kind of revolution is this ?
- From what I understand , he said he will do something bigger than the revolution of Lucifer .
- He really has not changed anything .
- He has made ​​this offer for you ?
  He nodded .
- Let's say we're both doomed to the same fate . We must take the wings of one another to return to our old home .
- So that's why you were always so aloof with me ?
- Yes
  Aiden went to the balcony and I sat on the bed . Both he and I knew that everything happened for Cloud influence to persuade us to join his revolution.
- I think we should participate in it .
  I looked at him, unsure what to say .
- Are you crazy ? We will all be doomed!
- Rhayla , we are already doomed . All the angels , archangels , seraphim or any other type of celestial agent to come to the human world as punishment is already a doomed creature .
- We all have the chance to return , is not at all true .
  He looked at me wryly .
- Of course . Proof that your thesis is correct is that one of us needs to go without the wings for the other back . And another proof is that he erased his memories before leaving her chained to a rock for over ten years.
- Okay , that's not fair . But that is no reason to resort to the other side.
- Always on the defensive , is not it?
- Not to be defensive , but not a traitor .
  Aiden laughed with extreme mood.
- What you are naive little girl ... For what reason you think we both were expelled ?

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