Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
© rights to the owner

Thursday, February 20, 2014

➌ A Serious Talk

  After dinner , we sat back in the training room . Our father was already waiting for us with a truly indecipherable expression. Luka was a nervous wreck , so anyone could see in the distance. When he saw our arrival , motioned for us to sit down on the bench . My brother and I were holding hands , offering silent support for each other , but without our father saw , of course .
- You know I 'm not one to make unnecessary speeches , so I 'll get straight to the point. Dawn , his dealings with the practice is clearly deplorable.
- Dad, I 'm saying this for five years : I do not want to be a hunter , let alone longer be the mistress of the Dark Blade . I want to have an ordinary human life with my dream of being engineer .
- Still, you can not just abandon the practice . Whether or not training is a mandatory task for both you and Luka until the moment I decide which of you two will be the guardian or custodian of the Dark Blade .
  Luka decided interfirir but our father motioned for him to remain silent . Before proceeding to speak , my father coughed worthy accesses concern. My brother and I shook hands because we did not know whether or not we helped . I think he saw our concern , as he motioned for us to stay seated.
- It's okay , Dad? - Luka ventured to ask .
- Yes - he coughed - Well, back to business ... Dawn will train you in all your spare time, no exceptions , unless it is to study , understand?
- But, Dad , I can not summarize my life to study and train and ... - he made that threatening look that I both hate Luka - Okay , okay , but know that I'm not the least bit excited about that .
  He pretended not to hear the end of my speech and looked at Luka so that made ​​him wince slightly.
- What about you , Luka , should train less and devote more to college .
  Luka said nothing , but the fact that he shake my hand said it all . I clearly understood that he dreamed of being the number one hunter and I tried to encourage him , but our father was a master in the art of extreme reality and it is impossible to reverse what he says .
- Well , that's it , they can go . I hope one can help the other to find balance in their lives .
  We left in silence until our room - I know it may seem strange, but always shared the room and could not separate us , I think the twins should be complex - . Luka is played on the bottom bunk with extreme disappointment and I was upside down on the top to chat with him .
- Hey , do not be like , you know Dad. I'm sure he says that because he wants the great guardian also has knowledge beyond combat.
  He gave a half smile , but she was not at all happy.
- How do you do ? Even after taking a scolding those good humor does not disappear .
- Do you strive too much, that's why. This is not always good. I admire your discipline, because it is something I have not, but you exaggerate a bit . If you are more distracted with other things , such as their duties college summer - pointed to the stack of books on his bookshelf - perhaps relax your mind and you will improve the training.
  He nodded , a little more confident , but not willing to face the tasks of college. We were silent for a moment until he sighed and got out of bed and headed for the pile of books and began to address all the issues that had accumulated since the beginning of summer vacation .
- Better late than never !
- I admit that is not an option .
  I left the quiet in the room and went to face the horrible fate that awaited me in the training room .

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