Behind the Fairytales

Behind the Fairytales
© rights to the owner

Friday, May 3, 2013

01. Hunter Feelings

 Two days later, Yasuhiko returns to the house of  Sango with ease without any hurry to go away soon. In fact, the boy would stay two days there and then - in order of Sesshoumaru-would return to the palace to meet the duty to command the guard of the city of Osaka. The exterminator had been overjoyed with this statement and felt that her heart would quit jumping through the forest when he invites her for a ride.
- No need to carry it all, I can protect you.
- I know that, but I need to carry it with me.

  With each other's company and Kirara, they walked around the city that belonged to Arioto, however was in the custody of Inuyasha. Halfway there, a river crossed the border with its calm, clear waters, which gave life the most beautiful and fragrant flowers of the region. Yasuhiko reaped the most beautiful we saw and handed it to Sango, whose face was flushed only by touch him to put the flower in her brown hair. They stood for a long time like that, admiring one another as if nothing else in the world existed. In the background, the girl was sure he felt the same as her, but so far has not heard the phrase she craves.
   His gaze was gentle and did not let her eyes for one second and that feeling until now seemed to be just the exterminating it reveals for the golden eyes Yasuhiko, whose arms wrapped Sango in a way she had never felt before. She was confused because the boy often changed the way you treat her every minute. It was then decided to risk spoiling that moment to ask him:
- Yasuhiko, what you really feel about me: love or compassion?
- What do you mean? - She could feel his muscles stiffened instantly and sweet look was gone, replaced by a worried expression - Have ... I'm sorry - he said, removing the terminator - the soul of my mother is in you and that means you should only belong to my father. Sorry about that. - He tried to smile to show he was right, but he got was only a sad semblance.
- Not that.
- So what?
- I. .. You. .. All this ...

   Yasuhiko hugged her for a moment and replied, whispering:
- I know what you mean, I'll treat it better going forward, I can still fulfill my itinerary here?

  She smiled and nodded quickly in response. Saved the time the relationship she had with him and keep him around for two days.
Absolutely nothing.
Can go wrong.

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